dimanche 17 avril 2016



2016, the 1st of March

Message from the international coordinator to the other supervisors.
To see the Follow up reports and the first "Control Quality" Check up : 
go to the french coordinators' website 
(and after that, enter in the teachers' portal).

Each of the six supervisors is from now supposed to insert (all or the most recent among) his survey notes in this blog.

First,  mails are to be sent to the teams involved in the partnership in order to collect informations (about what they did in your supervision area). After this work (it could be your first note's subject and you ask mail can be posted in the blog as your first survey mail)  you'll have to put on line answers about what the project holders did and when.

(We used to insert most of students' productions in the ILARGIA Twinspace
and there's no room enough to do it on this blog. We'll show part of its in our websites)

Your coordination notes are  supposed to help the follow up of activities.
In these monitoring notes you can also make proposals about tasks to do together
and be at the origin of a feedback process....

Exceot the survey (or coordination) notes the posts published in this main part (left column)  are to show some pics or interesting links. Only  a few words in english seem to me necessary.
 In your coordination notes, you can use both english and your national language, 
or (why not ?) French or any idiom you want ! I 'll make a copy of your official notes as coordinator in your own page (right column).

lundi 11 avril 2016

Synthèse des activités locales (trimestre 2) LYCEE RAVEL

Vivienne Péraudeau-Haro

Objectifs du deuxième trimestre (janvier-mars) : la littérature du XIXe siècle.
Découvrir la figure du vampire dans les textes du XIXe siècle
Saisir l’évolution du personnage du vampire au fil des siècles
Réécritures du mythe au cinéma

Moyens mis en œuvre
-       Lecture des textes de Polidori, Dumas, Baudelaire, Stoker
-       La figure du vampire au cinéma à travers 3 exemples : Nosferatu, Dracula de Coppola et Only lovers left alive de Jarmusch.

Au terme de la période, les élèves ont appris :
-       A confronter les différentes sources du mythe du vampire.
-       A voir l’apport que représente le roman de Stoker par rapport aux textes sources.

-       A percevoir l’évolution du personnage du vampire par l’étude d’extraits de textes du XIXe.
-       A  confronter les différentes variations du mythe du vampire au cinéma, en observant particulièrement l’évolution d’une figure monstrueuse vers une figure séduisante, et l’adaptation du vampire aux questionnements contemporains.

1)    11 April 2016

Objectives of the second term (January-March): 19th century literature.
Discover the vampire figure (j’ai l’impression qu’on dit plutôt The Vampire tout court mais c’est pas assez explicite peut-être??) in 19th century texts
Understand the evolution of the Vampire through centuries
Rewriting of the myth in movies

-       Reading of texts by Polidori, Dumas, Baudelaire, Stoker
-       3 examples of The Vampire figure in movies: Nosferatu, Dracula by Coppola and Only Lovers Left Alive by Jarmusch.

By the end of this period the students have learnt to:
-       Confront the different origins of the myth of the Vampire.
-       Perceive the heritage of the novel by stoker compared to the founding texts.
-       Understand the evolution of the Vampire figure through the analysis of extracts from 19th century texts.

-       Confront the different adaptations of the myth of the Vampire in movies, by observing the evolution of the figure from the Monster towards a seductive figure, and how the Vampire relates to contemporary issues.