lundi 3 août 2020


Projet 2020-1-FR01-KA201-080521

eVe+ Quintessence partnership (Le cinquième élément : connaître les forces de la Nature et produire une énergie Durable) was accepted, according to the Erasmus+ French National Agency website.

Impacts will have to be more detailed by the High Schools' team, and the evaluation of our common applicant form was focused on 4 items we can meliorate:

- Progress in key abilities must be analysed and monitored by all the partners (not only the International Coordinator would have to take part in this process).

- Local opening to other schools, corporates and associations will have to be developed in every country.

- Evaluation tools and sequences must be more formalized especially for the Turkish school (because it is a newbie).   The team is described as "an appropriate set of four schools" and the inclusion of Cesme as a "win-win partnership".

- Dissemination may be planned with more precisions and events be implemented in each city.

All these issues will be in the agenda of R1 (the first transnational meeting - to be done in Riga, perhaps in December).

Félicitations à toutes et à tous ; espérons que la pandémie nous laisse lancer notre projet sans trop le perturber en début d'année prochaine !