samedi 18 décembre 2021




de la Ligue pour l'Innovation Pédagogique ILARGIA

La CA Compte une nouvelle administratrice en la personne de Mme Espuny, que nous remercions d'avance pour l'aide qu'elle ne manquera pas d'apporter à la relance des activités de la ligue ILARGIA, durement impactées par la crise de la COVID 19.

On trouvera prochainement le compte-rendu de l'AG dans le blog ILARGIA. Le CA aura à définir le thème du prochain événement culturel monté par l'Association et à confirmer le lieu d'implantation (ont été évoqués : Girone ou Barcelone) voire sa date.

The CA has a new administrator: Ms. Espuny, whom we thank in advance for the help she will not fail to bring to the relaunch of the activities of the ILARGIA league, severely impacted by the COVID crisis 19. The GA report will soon be found in the ILARGIA blog. The Board will have to define the theme of the next cultural event organized by the Association and to confirm the location (have been mentioned: Girona or Barcelona) or even its date.

Assemblée Générale du 17 décembre 2021

Six membres de plein droit ( article 12 des statuts) 

dont quatre membres du Bureau (Directors) :

1. Président Vanderplancke P-L Président Vanderplancke P-L 

(réélu à l'unanimité, en poste jusqu'en 2023)

2. Vice-Président Magdau  M 

(réélu à l'unanimité, en fonction jusqu'en 2023)

3. Secrétaire Zetea R 

(mandat en cours jusqu'en 2022)

4. Trésorier Puyjalon J-L 

(mandat en cours jusqu'en 2022)

Autres membres du Conseil d'Administration (other administrators)

5. Meziniece S

(mandat en cours jusqu'en 2022)

6. Espuny M

(élue à l'unanimité, en poste jusqu'en 2023)


7. Martins A

(élue à l'unanimité, en poste jusqu'en 2023)

jeudi 9 décembre 2021

A LECTURE THE 17th of december, some hybrid Workshops and ILARGIA General Assembly



at 16.30 for the TALKS (French and English)
and 17.50 for the General Assembly
[Paris time]

samedi 4 décembre 2021


 La semaine de mobilisation en faveur de l'action européenne et internationale du Lycée Ravel s'est déroulée du 22 au 27 novembre.

Ses principaux résultats sont visibles en ligne : sur le site Noah

Sa thématique principale était  FORCES ET FRAGILITÉS DE LA NATURE

Elle a consisté en : 

- une semaine ERASMUS (ERASMUS MOB II,  du 22 au 26 novembre) comprenant des ateliers et conférences en présentiel comme en distanciel et valorisant les partenariats stratégiques ERASMUS+ du Lycée et ses eTwinnings.

- une session EUROSCOLA le 26 novembre consacrée à la lutte contre le changement climatique

- un séminaire bilatéral exceptionnel avec les porteurs de projets Roumains du partenaraire eVe+ (deux professeures présentes du 25 au 27)

Elle a débouché sur la projection publique du film THE ARK (produit durant l'événement ERASMUS MOB I de décembre 2020)  et la célébration des labels de qualité remis à l'établissement en 2018 et 2021 en même temps que l'inauguration du nouveau corner ERASMUS+ et du nouveau projet E+L.o.L. en présence d'une représentante du conseil municipal, Mme Loubet-Latour, et de Mme Dutoya, conseillère régionale et "marraine" des partenariats européens du Lycée.

Main theme of the week dedicated by Lycée Ravel to the promotion of European Collaboration and implemented between the 22nd and the 27th of november, 2021, was:


It consisted of:

- an ERASMUS week (ERASMUS MOB II, from November 22 to 26) including face-to-face and remote workshops and conferences and highlighting the Lycée's ERASMUS + strategic partnerships and its eTwinnings

- a EUROSCOLA session on November 26 dedicated to the fight against climate change

- an exceptional bilateral seminar with the Romanian project leaders of the eVe + partner from the 25th to the 27th

mercredi 1 décembre 2021





energyplus QUINTESSENCE erasmus+

If moving outside was forbidden in october, the problem does not exist anymore for Cluj staff. 

click on the pic to have a look on a rainy but happy short meeting

Now we cross fingers we'll be able to implement all the mobilities we are now wishing to do asap. Next one: in France for all the teams (teachers and students).

jeudi 25 novembre 2021

TERRE DE LÉGENDES première note de coordination internationale IC1 E+.O.L



Terre de Légendes : Partager des Mythes pour construire ensemble librement un destin commun 
2021 - 2023


My dear colleagues

It's a real pleasure to confirm the French National Agency has select our project. Congratulations to Mustapha who is the instigator of this Partnership and did initiate our cooperation.

I ll send you as soon as possible all the papers we may have for you. I do believe we may begin a brain storming about the planning and the agenda of this first school year of common works after the 8th of november, since it's little holidays for us from next Friday to the 8th of november.

You 'll be interested in the evaluation report on our applicant form, transmittted by Erasmus+ advisers. A good point is always to pay attention to the critics to solve them.

Best regards to all of you.

P-L Vanderplancke /

NOTA BENE coordination notes will be a tool in order to ensure the Quality Control by the Project holders, as the NBE+ (not a phone friendly) website (


Evaluation : Total score 77.00 / 100
Summary of comments
Led by the Lycée Maurice Ravel, the “Terre de Légendes” project, which brings together four establishments schools from four program countries (France, Romania, Poland and Turkey) aims to contribute tothe education of pupils from 14 to 18 years old and their socialization through the study of the myths and legends of each country. It is about using myths and legends to teach values, traditions, customs and to facilitate the learning of other school subjects and therefore academic success. He signs up in two horizontal priorities of the program.
Strong points
The objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.
The European added value of the project is well described in terms of better cultural cohesion and universality.
The means and methodologies to achieve the objectives of the project are clearly defined.
Target audiences are identified.
This cooperative project is innovative both in its approach and in the methodology that it will implement.
The monitoring of the project progress (both schedule and activities) is convincing.
The partnership is of good quality.
The modalities of cooperation are effective.
The impacts are considered on the participants, and their evaluation planned.

Weak points
The proposal suffers from the lack of a solid analysis of the needs of the various target groups (high school students, professors, administrative staff) such as, for example, the inclusion of this theme in a
specialty teaching, in a workshop or in Moral and Civic Education.
The means to achieve the objectives are defined, but sometimes lack precision.
The learning activities are not very formalized; cultural visits not clearly justified by
relation to learning activities.
The distribution of tasks and responsibilities between partners is summary.
The impact at national, European, international level is not satisfactorily anticipated. The impact
eventuality of the project is therefore limited to the longer term and on a larger scale.
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To carry out this project within the framework of KA220, it is recommended that partners:
- Refine the needs analysis of this project and better identify the impact on organizations;
- To define more precisely the learning activities in their content including visits
- To proceed with a precise distribution of the responsibilities of each partner according to their
- To promote educational practices and results at least in France (Grand Oral, theater workshop,
Cordées de la Réussite, theater or dance options at the baccalaureate, etc.);
- Consider transferability of project results to other sectors according to a well-defined plan.

__________________________________________________________________________________TEXTE ORIGINAL (en Français)

Score total 77.00 / 100

Synthèse des commentaires

Porté par le Lycée Maurice Ravel, le projet « Terre de Légendes », qui réunit quatre établissements

scolaires de quatre pays du programme (France, Roumanie, Pologne et Turquie) vise à contribuer à

l’éducation des élèves de 14 à 18 ans et à leur socialisation à travers l’étude des mythes et légendes de

chaque pays. Il s’agit d’utiliser les mythes et les légendes pour enseigner les valeurs, les traditions, les

coutumes et pour faciliter l’apprentissage d’autres matières scolaires et donc la réussite scolaire. Il s’inscrit

dans deux priorités horizontales du programme.

Points forts

Les objectifs sont spécifiques, mesurables, atteignables, réalistes et temporellement définis.

La plus-value européenne du projet est bien décrite en termes de meilleure cohésion culturelle et


Les moyens et méthodologies pour atteindre les objectifs du projet sont clairement définis.

Les publics cibles sont identifiés.

Ce projet coopératif est innovant à la fois dans sa démarche et dans la méthodologie qu'il va mettre en


Le contrôle du suivi de l’avancée du calendrier et des activités du projet est convaincant.

Le partenariat est de bonne qualité.

Les modalités de coopération sont efficaces.

Les impacts sont envisagés sur les participants, et leur évaluation prévue.

Points faibles

La proposition souffre de l’absence d’une analyse solide des besoins des divers groupes cibles (lycéens,

professeurs, personnel administratif) comme par exemple, l’insertion de cette thématique dans un

enseignement de spécialité, dans un atelier ou en Enseignement Moral et Civique.

Les moyens pour atteindre les objectifs sont définis, mais manquent parfois de précision.

Les activités d’apprentissage sont peu formalisées; les visites culturelles pas clairement justifiées par

rapport aux activités d'apprentissage.

La répartition des tâches et responsabilités entre partenaires est sommaire.

L’impact au niveau national, européen, international n’est pas anticipé de façon satisfaisante. L’impact

éventuel du projet est donc limité à plus long terme et à plus grande échelle.


Pour mener à bien ce projet dans le cadre de KA220, il est recommandé aux partenaires :

- D’affiner l’analyse des besoins de ce projet et de mieux identifier l’impact sur les organismes ;

- De définir plus précisément les activités d'apprentissage dans leurs contenus y compris les visites


- De procéder à une répartition précise des responsabilités de chaque partenaire en fonction de son

expertise ;

- De valoriser les pratiques et les résultats pédagogiques au moins en France (Grand Oral, atelier théâtre,

Cordées de la Réussite, options théâtre ou danse au baccalauréat, etc) ;

- D’envisager une transférabilité des résultats du projet vers d’autres secteurs selon un plan bien défini.

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mercredi 24 novembre 2021

Today is Teachers' Day in Türkiye. And it is the second day of our ERASMUS MOB week

 Öğretmenler Günü


Happy Teachers' Day to our Turkish colleagues!

We'll meet them and the students of the Ulusoy Maritime High School in Cesme tomorrow (in order to cooperate on a serious topic : seas and coasts in danger, due to Global Warming, Pollution and other troubles). Bulgaria and Portugal will be in, as it was the case Today in the remote workshop implemented to have a talk about the effects of global warming on animals. But also Romania and Latvia. Welcome to the World!




See more details clicking on the tab:

lundi 22 novembre 2021



A Lecture in the morning (see the post putted on line yesterday in order to announce it) and a workshop in the afternoon to do some presentations. 

TG1 pupils tried to study the effects of Global Warming in French seas and coastlines. Then they thought on local impacts (in the Gulf of Gascony so called Bay of Biscay and its shores).

It was done to help TG6 to have talks on next Wednesday with some foreign partners on this topic and to prepare the lesson about French naval power (school programme of Geography).

click ^^to see^^ one of the outputs

dimanche 21 novembre 2021

A lecture by Mr Claude Labat, specialist in Basque myths and the history of witchcraft! Lycée Ravel the 22th of november, 2021.

  • In the opening of the week of mobilization (ERASMUS MOB) dedicated to the theme "Strengths and Fragility of Nature" and in support of the Erasmus + QUINTESSENCE partnership dedicated to natural energies, a conference will be implemented with the help of  our school Library this Monday.
  • This topic is one of the Old Fears we staid focused on during the former NUITS BLANCHES partnership (2015-2018).

Annonce de la manifestation^sur le blog du CDI^par Mme Dolhats

Le début de la conférence / Introducing Speech by Mr Labat :

mardi 9 novembre 2021



I - Our amendment to the eVe+  contract was accepted today by the French Erasmus+ Agency. It means the end of the QUINTESSENCE partnership is now officially postponed from August 2022 to August 2023 and also that the new agenda fixed in R1 (Riga) is definitively approved ! Congratulations to our fellows from Rigas.18 vidduskola in Latvia, colegiul economic "Iulian Pop" in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Bilgic  High School in Cesme, Turkey. We are just waiting news from Riga in order to implement a drawing workshop as soon as the pupils will come back to school...

II - Our E+ corner will be renewed in a couple of days to make more efficient the publicity and dissemination of our two current projects : KA 201 QUINTESSENCE and KA 220 LAND OF LEGENDS

III - The second ERASMUS MOB event will take place from the 22nd to the 27th of November, made to celebrate international and european engagement of the High School. Some remote workshops will be implemented with our foreign partners involved in the eTwinnings WATER.WOR(L)DS and NOAH and some videoconferences will be done between the schools carrying together the Erasmus+ projects eVe+ and E+L.o.L. 

IV - The students will take part in the EUROSCOLA session organized by the Europarliament the 26th of November

V - Romanian project holders of eVe+ partnership will be probably present in Saint-Jean-de-Luz from the 24th to the 27th (and we hope they could play a role in the final ceremony, the 26th).

jeudi 28 octobre 2021

MAIN TOPIC: LOCAL CURRICULUM (international coordination note IC4)


Note de COORDINATION INTERNATIONALE n°4 – IC4 note – Le 28 octobre 2021

Le cinquième élément : connaître les Forces de la Nature
et produire une énergie durable

Energyplus QUINTESSENCE Erasmus+

My dear friends

I - It was said after the W2 Workshop's debates (in the "R1 reset meeting") that the deadline to check your local pedagogic plans would be very short... and fixed on the 8th of november. That is the reason why I am sending you today a form in wich you can enlist the topics you may/wish implement during the next 2 phases (theoretically, phase 1 must end in March, or later but as soon as you ll be able to come to France for C1 ; and phase 2 must end in August, after we came back from Romania for C2 and R2 in May and June). .



II - Even if the situation remains complicated, especially in the eastern part of Europe, and could badly impact our schedule, I think we must pretend we have no doubt about our capacity to follow the plan, till before the N/A approves the request for an amendment we decided to ask for. But I am afraid our claim for an extension of the duration cannot be instructed before all the teams do sign the declaration of intention we have transmitted.

PLEASE FILL THE FORM (one colour for each country).

III – Next international note will be written: in order to ensure the Quality Control is coordinated and to implement our next remote Workshop. I understood (taking part in Riga brain storming) that you think the best choice to rally all the schools in the same time is to implement a videoconference on Friday, from 10:30 am to 12:10 or a little later (French time, so it means from 11 :30 to 13 : 10 for all of you). Another solution is maybe to organize it on Tuesday at the same time?





mardi 26 octobre 2021

ELA supported by Collège and Lycée Ravel


ELA is the european association struggling against Leucodistrophia disease. 

Gérard Pollet, the ambassador of this association uses to come to Saint-Jean-de Luz. He visited our School City the 21st of October and may come back in December in order him to help our students to organize a big solidarity walk along the sea shore.

Main goal is: collecting money to help families and to fund Research!

Local organization in the High School: Mrs Agnès Perrier and Vie Scolaire team, CVL (Pupils committee) and Mr Principal/Proviseur M. Cabalé

mercredi 20 octobre 2021



Note de COORDINATION INTERNATIONALE n°3 – IC3 note / the 20th of September, 2021

Le cinquième élément : connaître les Forces de la Nature
et produire une énergie durable

Energyplus QUINTESSENCE Erasmus+

My dear colleagues

Let's me first thank you to maintain all your engagement in this project, strongly impacted by the Pandemic. I have no doubt we can together overcome all the troubles in order to eventually implement all the activities and mobilities we want and I believe must be sincerely very grateful to Olga and Sanita for R1 organization (and kindness). Before I send to you in a couple of days the results of R1 meeting (new deadlines, online workshops' methodology and so on) I ask you to see by now the draft ot the complete report, to be edited very soon on NBE+ ( and -it is probably the most important- I'd like you to check what I wrote in the mail to the Agency. As ir could be perhaps necessary to show a proof your headmaster/headmistress agree to ask for this extesnion of the duration and your school is ok to apply our new plan I will post tomorrow a letter from my boss to yours, in order to obtain they do sign a declaration of intention.


Le chef de projet (IC) P-L Vanderplancke


drafted within the framework of eVe + R1 mobility (debates during the W1 workshop and formalization during the final plenary meeting)
"Taking into account the indications given on the site (COVID 19 tab) and our previous emails on the subject, I have the honor to formulate today officially on behalf of the Lycée Ravel and its partners the request for an extension of 12 months of the duration of our Erasmus + project after discussing the issue with the foreign project leaders from October 13 to 16, 2021, within the framework of the transnational meeting R1 (Boot seminar turned into a Reset meeting) and defined with them a new timetable and an educational strategy adapted to the circumstances.
Our contract having been concluded in 2020 and for 24 months, originally: its term would become August 2023 and no longer 2022 (the interim report would be postponed from September 2021 to 2022) which seems to be in harmony with the Agency's recommendations. ("End date indicated in the grant agreement. Up to 12 additional months and without exceeding 31/08/2023").
Given that the pandemic and the health protection measures have severely impacted the program of activities planned for 2020-2021, but to the extent that cooperation has nevertheless been initiated (taking the form, in particular, of a virtual workshop in December 2020 ) we agreed on a new schedule.
The planned development does not consist of postponing to 2021-2022 the activities initially planned for 2020-2021 and the program for 2022-2023 (now the last year of the project) replaces that defined originally for the year. 2021-2022 while significantly deviating from it.
Indeed, a complete reorganization of activities appeared opportune.
1 °) The first educational phase, focusing on the study of the forces of nature around the question "Energies and Myths" was, according to our application, to last a full school year (online calendar in our coordination site Our Erasmus + office NBE + on This would mean reducing its implementation in the first semester of the current school year (considered as year 1 in view of the difficulties experienced in 2020-2021, considered as year 0). Consequently, the second educational phase (on the theme "Energies and industrialization") supposed to last one semester but to be located, initially, in year 2, would be brought forward from March to August 2022. The last phase, prospective ("Sustainable energies") would instead be lengthened to take place throughout school year 2.
2) The mobility (but also the intellectual outputs expected of the pupils) will be, in the hypothesis where our proposal is validated, all carried out in accordance with the predefined plan but according to a rhythm different from that fixed in the original project. Two study trips and two graphic novels will indeed be carried out in 2021-2022, then a final study trip and a third production (conclusion of the expected "triptych") will be postponed in 2022-2023
(new calendar on
3 °) This reorganization aims to "re-prime" the pump as soon as possible (in order not to lose, in particular, the benefit of the initial impetus which carried the learners) and is based on the reinforcement of the importance of the workshops in line (preparatory for mobility) according to modalities discussed during the R1 meeting (report on
4 °) We believe that our new strategy will allow us a certain flexibility, insofar as the agenda of the last year will, in principle be lightened, which, in the case of new difficulties related to the health context (and which would arise in particular during this school year) may authorize any postponements decided on urgently. However, the ambition of the group is rather to respect the new deadlines adopted jointly (deadlines) and to accommodate the possible occasional absence of a particular school, aiming mainly for each establishment to achieve its objectives (its number total mobility according to the initial commitments and its contribution to the common project, which must retain its transnational qualities and be the result of the cooperation of the four partners.
The proof of the consultation is undoubtedly in the participation of the schools in the R1 seminar (the Romanian team was however only able to join in by remote workshops) but we think of sending you a letter of confirmation if you wish. the sharing of our intentions, on the part of each member of the consortium.
Please tell us if you consider this formality unnecessary or if, on the contrary, you do
need some additional information .
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jeudi 14 octobre 2021

QUINTESSENCE RESET MEETING / TCA and EDITING workshops done the 14th of october


W4 / Local Activities  and transnational cooperative productions to be implemented online in order to prepare the collaborative tasks during the next  mobilities C1 and C2

During these Study Travels, learners taking part in the meeting will have to imagine a narrative and to make a graphic novel.

The old Curriculum was changed

W5 / Remote workshops

Fixing dates and deadlines in order to make the logo then other common drawings


W6 / Dissemination strategy

We presumed to do the 15th: 

W7 / ICT common tools



(with all the partnership's holders: Romanian team online)

mercredi 13 octobre 2021

eVe+ R1 meeting opening in Riga

Monday, the 13rd of October.
W1 reformatting request to postpone the implementation of our Quintessence project 
First videoconference in order both Romanian and Turkish project holders can take part in the brain storming
W3 project management 

At noon a lecture by Etienne Rousseau dedicated to Maurice Ravel. The same will be given at home in December for the ILARGIA LEAGUE Symposium. 
Online conference due to COVID. 

W4 - W5
(local studies and transnational cooperative productions we'll do online in order to prepare the collaborative tasks wich will be implemented during C1 and C2)

must be changed

jeudi 7 octobre 2021

eVe+ QUINTESSENCE RESET: soon, the project holders' trip to Riga (from the 12th to the 16th of october 2021)

 LATVIA 2021

Rigas.18 vidduskola will host the first transnational meeting made in order to plan the pedagogic activities and to redo the project's agenda after the Pandemic did stop the normal implementation process last year.

Le programme de la réunion transnationale R1, devenue séminaire de refonte du projet "energyplus QUINTESSENCE erasmus+" victime des quarantaines et autres confinements et entraves à la libre circulation  subis l'an dernier

Les élèves Français participant au projet sont toujours ceux du groupe-cible pressenti initialement, mais plus âgés (en classe de première, ils ont vu hier le film MARCHER SUR L'EAU, consacré à l'un des quatre éléments étudiés dans le cadre de la coopération européenne).

samedi 4 septembre 2021

Planning the eVe+ RESET (report of the videoconference made the 4th of september, 2021)


(4 septembre 2021)

September 4 videoconference / Report

1 °) Organization of the first transnational meeting of the partnership
As the health context seems to allow movement across borders, we first check if the Latvian team is ready to implment R1. Each of the teams made sure of their freedom in the regard of the dates by consulting the Director beforehand.
The Rigas. 18 Vidduskola offers a launch seminar which would take place from October 12 to 16-17 (3 working days from 13 to 15 and 2 days of transport). This is a good opportunity for an effective media coverage of our cooperation, since it is the date of  #Erasmusdays.
We believe the travelers will need a complete vaccination certificate or, failing that, will have to produce the result of a recent PCR test to enter the territory of Latvia.
A point is made on the objectives assigned to mobility R1 (especially as they may have changed compared to our applicant form. The initial “boot meeting” is indeed destined to become a “reset meeting”. See the initial agenda online at
2 °) Reset of the partnership
The pandemic prevented any long-range work last year. With the exception of a remote workshop made in December, it was an “empty” year. The three teams therefore agree to jointly request an extension of duration so that the first effective school year of the partnership becomes the year 2021-2022 and that the project ends in 2023. We may request the possibility of completing the partnership in December 2023, rather than June to align the eVe+ programme with new projects starting in 2021. This point will be the subject of a final decision taken in Riga, where the schedule of activities will be decided (in line with the original plan but deferred, or reworked out of necessity). The meeting will also help to define any changes in the target audience and the contents, if the need arises (according to the initial plan: year 1 was mainly focused on a study of myths and literary tasks and / or arts, year 2 was more "scientific" but this system could be amended according to the age of the selected learners).
3 °) Possibility of a virtual meeting between students
As the Lycée Ravel is due to participate on November 26 in the EUROSCOLA session wich is organized by the Parliament of Strasbourg, we think it could be interesting (for us French partner) to include this activity in a promotion week dedicated to our european and international action - in particular in order to strengthen the commitment of our students who, in principle, are in the position of hosts in year 1 and not travelers). This local activity would be carried out the week of the 26th but the previous days with various foreign correspondents (eTwinners, etc.) and could especially concern the partners of the eVe + project if they are interested in. The prefiguration of the exchanges will possibly be a topic during the mobility R1.
4 °) Summary of decisions
- Date of event R1
- Adoption of R1 agenda
I - workshop to formalize our joint project reformatting request (if the issue is not resolved earlier, remotely)
II - multi-year planning workshop
III - preparation workshop for C1 and C2 mobilities planned this school year, or even C3 if it was advanced
IV - distance exchange preparation workshop
5 °) Coordination
Each school is requested to provide Sanita and Olga with the list of members of the delegation the team wishes to send to Riga as soon as possible, as well as the vaccination status of its members. The coordinator will quickly inquire with the French agency about the prospects for a derogatory extension of the duration of the project. He will complete the information of the host team regarding the R1 meeting issues.

vendredi 20 août 2021

MILLENIALS : ideas for eVe+ partnership


Our former expert Louis Fabriès took part in the movie making of THE ARK at the end of E+A project. His pictures of young amateur models are valorized during this summer by the "Troisième Session' galery, situated in Soorts-Hossegor.

We visited today the place, cause a great number of the "guest stars" were choosen by Louis among our students...  and also because the photographer / artist will probably be sollicited in order to support our current Erasmus+ partnership: eVe+ project.

Produce some graphics, drawings and all sort of pics to make together some transnational narratives is indeed one of the main goal of the european study we want to do about natural forces and sustainable energies.

About the exhibition:

REMINDER : the défilé made for Women's Rights in 2019

PROJET energyplus QUINTESSENCE erasmus+

vendredi 23 juillet 2021

LYCÉE RAVEL WILL TAKE PART IN THE NEXT EUROSCOLA SESSION : a remote activity implemented the 26th of november


Le programme EUROSCOLA est subventionné et organisé par le Parlement Européen de Strasbourg en vue d'encourager les jeunes à prendre part au débat public, de les inciter à échanger et de leur faire mieux connaître l'institution et son utilité.

Le Lycée Ravel prendra part à l'automne 2021 à une journée EUROSCOLA (pour la quatrième fois, depuis 2013). Il ne s'agira pas, cette fois, de se déplacer pour débattre, à Strasbourg, de sujets clivants posés aux sociétés européennes et saisies par les europarlementaires mais de procéder par visioconférence.

Une occasion unique d'apprendre l'exercice de la citoyenneté et de la démocratie représentative, d'en saisir tous les défis à l'échelle de l'Union, de nouer des relations interpersonnelles fortes entre élèves voire d'esquisser des rapprochements entre écoles afin de bâtir de nouveaux partenariats transnationaux.

Une démonstration de résilience, aussi, face aux restrictions imposées par le contexte sanitaire. 

Cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous pour retrouver quelques archives du projet Ravélien(ne) Citoyen(ne) Européen(ne) :

Our High School will take part in a EUROSCOLA day (for the fourth time, since 2013) the 16th of november. Due to pandmeic, it will not be a question of traveling to Strasbourg to discuss social issues raised by European nations and approached by European parliamentarians, but of proceeding by videoconference.

A unique opportunity to learn the exercise of citizenship and representative democracy, to grasp all the challenges at UE (transnational) level, to forge strong interpersonal relationships between students or even to sketch out links between schools in order to build new partnerships.

A demonstration of resilience, too, in the face of restrictions imposed by the health context.

samedi 8 mai 2021

GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE: Good Job for E+A partnership's holders!

information publiée le 8 mai 2021

click to access ^^ to ^^ the "europa" server

Obrigado ao grupo escolar de Alcochete

 Multumesc frumos la Colegiul "Iulian Pop" din Cluj-Napoca

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The quality of our strategic partnership: E + A (Noah) is officially recognized by the ERASMUS + Agency which has just awarded us a "certificate of good practice". Thank you to all the schools involved from september, 2017 to december, 2020.

Lycée Ravel Saint-Jean-de-Luz

 ".... votre projet européen de partenariat intitulé E+A (NOAH) : Nouvel Ordre écologique, L'Animal et l'Homme dans la culture européenne, une question de civilisation... est sélectionné comme un exemple de bonne pratique. Nous vous invitons à y faire désormais référence dans toute communication liée à votre projet européen et utiliser le logo mis à votre disposition en annexe de la présente notification. Cette sélection pourra susciter au niveau de l’Agence tout comme au niveau de la Commission européenne des sollicitations particulières (témoignages, interventions ou publications, recueils de projets, prix) dans le cadre d’actions de valorisation spécifiques liées à la mise en œuvre et/ou aux résultats de projets européens Erasmus +. De plus, cette mention distinctive apparait sur l’espace public de votre projet référencé sur la plateforme européenne de valorisation des résultats de projets Erasmus + (E+PRP)..."


your European partnership project entitled E + A (NOAH): New Ecological Order, Animals and Man in European culture, a question of civilization ... is selected as an example of good practice. We invite you to refer to it from now on in any communication related to your European project and to use the logo made available to you in the appendix to this notification. This selection may generate, at the level of the Agency as well as at the level of the European Commission, specific requests (testimonials, interventions or publications, collections of projects, prizes) within the framework of specific promotion actions linked to the implementation and / or the results of European Erasmus + projects. In addition, this distinctive mention appears in the public space of your project listed on the European platform for the promotion of the results of Erasmus + projects (E + PRP) ...

mardi 6 avril 2021



Le 27 mars s'est déroulée en matinée une présentation virtuelle de la Cité Scolaire à destination des éventuels  parents d'élèves et futurs lycéens. 

Dans ce cadre, une présentation générale de l'établissement a été préparée par le chef d'établissement. 

Le projet eVe+ QUINTESSENCE et l'action européenne du Lycée ont été mis en avant (voir pages 23 à 28 du document téléchargeable en cliquant sur l'image ci-dessous).

Due to the COVID Pandemic, "Lycée Ravel's open doors" event was made in a remotely process this year. It was the 27th of March and ERASMUS+ programme has been there really described as a positive action implemented in our High School. Click on the picture above to see more (pages 23-26).