mercredi 14 décembre 2016

3rd SURVEY PERIOD of the NUITS BLANCHES partnership, from June to November of 2016


Report and results of C3 are on line.
You'll find also in the international coordinator's website the third Check Point done in order to ensure the NBE+ Follow Up

mardi 25 octobre 2016


Annonce du prochain voyage d'étude par l'équipe de Cluj-Napoca.

Let's see our NBE+ facebook group : 


jeudi 20 octobre 2016


Erasmus+ coordination globale Vanderplancke General supervisor

Our common calendar (Google Agenda) displays the following information:
C4 Cesme (study tour) from 8 to 12 May
Serife confirmed these dates.
R3 in Riga (seminar) from June 5 to 7
Please, Sanita to kindly confirm the dates or, if necessary, let us suggest another ones !
The next Check Point will be made in November (after the study travel to Cluj-Napoca).
Thank you to project holders to prepare - before December- the list of activities you conducted in your school since June. Simply insert a note in our common blog
htpp: // to publicize this list. Specify the skill area for each of the activities
(B, C, D, E or F). The same activity can enroll in several areas simultaneously !
Otherwise, if you do not want to write in the blog, send me an email please.
In the Survey transnational notes made for CP 2, made in June, most of mentioned activities were made in France, Turkey and Italy. So you can also specify some activities made in other schools partners, between early March and late May 2016, in order to complete the information of our "Official Journal".
Its contents will be "frozen" this winter and will thus be the most spectacular production to put forward at the time of deposit of our second progress report (for France, as probably for all of you, this report must be prepared and submitted in March, in order to obtain payment of the second part of the subsidies promised by the EU).
This webzine is actually a common site which aims to present the best productions of our students on Dracula, vampires and other creatures of the night studied since the launch of the partnership NBE + and even before (since the launch el'eTwinnnig Ilargia in September 2015). Furthermore, it also includes a section for productions storage between teachers sharing the logon rights.
This site on Yesterday fears is a training drive before building the common site NUITS BLANCHES which will be one of the final products of the Partnership, the Festival itself, and expose information about the rewrites, the Festival and the later phase distribution (until of lectures planned in Turkey) addressing .. therefore, ultimately, "the fears of this."
Vivienne and I took lessons, so as to help you if necessary.
To write and insert something into the site.
1 You need a username and a password. If you lost them, let me know and I'll give you more.
2 We must go to the website
3 Then enter HOME / ACCUEIL and click on connection, give your username and password
4 then open in HOME, the link « create a new post »
Before confirming, remember to choose a category (or creatures festivals) otherwise we shall arrange articles (no category ) in the right place later
5 in « HELP and Tuto » a subtopic « Storage » is to store your archives (only members of the partnership will have access, not the public) but there are also helps to realize inserting images or slideshows
6 if you want to illustrate your articles, consider compressing your files (maximum size 640X480) for example using a free program like photofiltre. You open your photo in this software and click "save as" and choose the compression rate (20% for example). Ideally, each writer creates a subfolder in the Photos folder with his own images.
7 to show videos or slideshows you can place a link or source code from "clouds" such as Google Drive or microsoftdrive, or youtube; it is not very complicated but it must go through toogle editor

8 must supply the site .... its finalization will be done from February

lundi 17 octobre 2016

A LECTURE (la scritura como un parapeto frente a la derrota y el medio) in LYCEE RAVEL

Conférences d'Histoire franco-espagnoles.
Some Doctors from spanish universities and two french experts will give lectures about fears during the civil war (and after). Students of international section OIB willl study History and Memory of this conflict and will produce some works for NBE+ project.
Today Prof. Naval (from University of Zaragoza) was talking about RJ Sender...
The 7th of November

samedi 15 octobre 2016

A flyer before the study travel to Romania (internal dissemination in France)

reporting will be inserted in our local website as for all the other mobilities
you can download the flyer from :

dimanche 9 octobre 2016

Vampire in Turkish Culture

Vampire in Turkish Culture: Blood Drinking Extraordinary Creatures in Turkish Culture with Reference to Turkish World Narratives and Beliefs

Vampire is an imagination of extraordinary creature that is specifically drinking blood. Vampire is a naming of this imagination that belongs the European cultures. The origin of the blood drinking extraordinary creature imaginations is very ancient and there are narratives and beliefs in so many cultures in the world. In Turkish culture, there are imaginations that drink blood and have extraordinary features, too. Turkish world narratives and beliefs;  Obur, Yalmavuz and Yek/Yek İçkek

The Oldest One “Yek”: An Ancient Vampire/Demon From Turkish Culture
                                                                                        Ege University, Institute for Turkish World Studies, 
                                                                                                            Seçkin Sarpkaya

Supernatural beings like vampires or demons attract a great deal of our attention. Sohow do we define these beings? Of course, there are many studies on this . As you can guess,as a Turkish researcher, I pursued the possibility of the existence of such vampiric beings inTurkish culture. Thus, my main aim in this artictle is to study the oldest vampire/demon conceptin Turkish culture. I will leave other vampire/demon concepts of Turkish culture like Obur orYalmavuz for a another time.
 Vampires and demons also point out an interactive world of creatures. As you all know,vampire is a supernatural creature which drinks blood. It exists in almost every culture in theworld. Vampire concepts such as Lamashtu, Lilith and Striga are ancient. What is the oldest
vampire/demon in Turkish culture then? Let’s answer this question.Yek is a demon that ismentioned in the Old Turkish dictionaries and the oldest Turkish texts. “Yek” finds place in the
Middle Age dictionaries, one of the oldest Turkish dictionaries  Divânü Lugâti’t -Türk  (aroundfirst years of 11th century) and some of the Buddhist Uygur texts (8th to 10th cc).
According to the knowledge from Divânü Lugâti’t-Türk, the word “yek” means “devil,satan”. Also, Jean Paul Roux kindly gives us hints that yek means “demon, devil, satan, iblis”in Old Turkish. The word “yek” is actually derived from the verb “yemek (to eat)” and, as you
can guess, it has cannibalism in its nature. In an Arabic-Kıpçak dictionary, it’s also a dangerous
creature in the form of powerful winds that accompany dust clouds.

The word “yek” is explained as “fairy, satan, devil, iblis” in dictionaries about OldTurkish. Also it means “obur” and while this denotation means “someone or something thateats a lot, appetent, glutton”, it’s also the name for a type of vampire in Turkish culture. So, ifyou are a person who loves eating much and someone bullies you about that, just remember that you may be a vampire incognito. In old Turkish texts the word “yek” takes place in theform of “yek içkek” which is a name for another vampire type In Karaçay-Malkar and Kazak Turkish, this word appears in the form of “cek” and means demon, devil, satan, as well. AltayTurks have “cek” word in their language and this word means glutton, appetent; also it’s one of the epithet of Erlik the arch-devil. Imagine, the arch-devil, the prime antagonist of theTurkish beliefs, i mean pre-Islamic, Islamic and the other beliefs of different Turkish tribes around the world, actually carries vampiric features! This fact itself alone can show how important of a figure the vampires are for Turkish myths. In old Turkish, the word “yek” is used as the general denotation of evil spirits in the nature.
One of the oldest Turkish texts that belong Uygur Turkish (8th to 10th cc), hasdescriptions of the hell in detail; creatures in it and what kind of punishments there are forsinners. It also contains the demons called Yek, who are a kind of hellhound, demon of the hell;they throw the sinner people, who fell down into the hell, to the boilers and they are monstersthat have got stern and sullen faces.
There is “yek” in an another old text Çaştani İlig Beg (The Story of Çaştani Bey, 8th to10th cc) that belongs to Uygur Turkish, too. Çaştani Bey, the hero of the story, fight againtsthese demons that send sickness to his people and harm them; he saves his people.
In this text the demons that called “yek” are demons/monsters that wait at the crossroad,
eat human flesh and drink human blood, wrap the guts of humans to their bodies, horrible faced,shout with ugly voices, hold tridents and flags in their hands, in the shape of a black giant, withfire-colored and tressed and beautify their bodies with venomous snakes.
Based on the knowledge that we presently have, it can be said that yek is the oldestdemon/spirit/vampire in Turkish folk lore.

A13-E4 NOTE / a Study Travel to Cluj-Napoca for NUITS BLANCHES participants: preparation

By P-L Vanderplancke (international coordinator) and R Zetea (Colegiul Pop project driver)

The study Travel to Transilvania is supposed to be a start for rewritings. As we wish to do a common performance during the Festival,  we must try to build a common story (and perhaps, in addition, to do several other rewrites). It seems necessary to arrive in Cluj-Napoca with ideas about a possible synopsis, perhaps even with synopsis drafts.

The adoption of a synopsis on which the partners will then work in a common approach. This synopsis will be produced in order to make a Dracula myth common rewrite and to play it together (fully or partially) during the ending Festival. (C5 St-Jean-de-Luz).

In application of pedagogical scenario # 1 (note A12) each school will prepare from now one (or more) synopsis for future rewriting of the myth. Thess works will be presented (in a version translated into English) in Cluj. These drafts synopsis may be shaping during C3 to integrate elements related to the discovery in situ of myth and its contemporary implications.
Furthermore the teams produce (in the same period) a small presentation on local fears, which serve as an introduction to the study tour in Romania ...

Students will choose the common synopsis (like there was a logo contest in Rome) and the joint work on this synopsis will be organized from C3. The J-M Toto and Vivienne expertise to coordinate these literary works should help find solutions to write together, concretely? And to choose the variant which would be played in France? An update will be made at C4 (Cesme end of the school year) .... R. Zetea is currently consulting on these issues Vivienne. Nothing prevents a team to work in parallel on another synopsis that will be the subject of joint study. 

mardi 23 août 2016



Work document

presented the project holders to supply the common reflection

August 23, 2017


deadline ( date butoir ) : Our proposals on working methods to be applied to rewrite a whole or versions of Dracula must be made , and decisions to be written down , for C3 study trip to Cluj -Napoca

(Effective implementation from 2018 ) .

Preparatory phase in the classroom (and / or distance between partners ) is planned to be done during the first quarter of this school year

 ( September to November 2017 ) .


- When terminal Festival in Spring 2018, is expected to play together at least a stage show (or extract) wrote and starred in a transnational framework. During the festival, several other performances will be presented by some national teams. In addition to these activities will also be highlighted exhibitions, conferences or possibly films, objects made by the students.

Rewrites are based on the vampire myth, studied and revisited as part of a general study of old fears developed since the project launch (September 2016) until winter 2017 (eTwinning project Ilargia) ... it is desirable that incorporate contemporary fears - that a systematic study will be conducted from this scolar year - and they can stimulate reflection on how to overcome these fears through European cooperation.

The trip to Transylvania should allow participating students to study  the myth in local context, experience the challenges to carry out effective transnational cooperation and formulate first proposals for rewrites. The feedback must be decisive in the partner countries, travelers with the responsibility to boost the local work of other learners and inspire them with a minimum of team spirit.


 Without excluding the possibility of also working on rewrites that would not be produced by the students, or doing some other shows or studies  -  locally produced (or multilateral, but reduced)....  our partnership is based on an ambition more high. Our contract wtith the EU stipulates that we will try to work together in a transnational logic associated to the five teams: rewrite all the myth and playingit (at least partially). (And also to think about how to jointly cope with fears of this). We can imagine the practical arrangements for rewriting, taking particular account of language difficulties, but also the need we have... not to limit the cooperation to mobility times. It would be useful to think about this in September or quick experiment with some strategies to measure the relevance, in order to be able to validate in November methods to follow, and to give from that moment to students indications as to the actual conditions in which they will have to make proposals and produce. The balance sheet and the possible correction of the approach will act when necessary after consulting the teachers at the seminar R3 (Riga), while the final agreement on the performance or playing together could be sealed within the C4 trip (Cesme ). 



 SCENARIO 1. Teamwork at the local level and then pooling . Regarding rewriting , there would develop a scenario ( from , for example, a synopis validated at C3) by a high school , working in their own language. The English translation would be made retrospectively , then distributed to the partners' attention . Later, there could be eventual selection of the written work or part thereof for a stage performance played by a transnational group (commercial ele choice of the logo was the subject of a vote) . The method has the advantage of simplicity ( at least apparently ) but it does not support the transnational work (and therefore EU funding ) are necessary .

SCENARIO 2. Segmented International Labour. Each country is assigned a part of the task. For example, a work produced by the five ... in fact, an institution writing the beginning of the story and the other end , a third is occcupe sets, another of the staging and the game .... the last carries a printed and illustrated presentation . One can imagine several successive works and a varied distribution , or otherwise specialization of national teams. This proposal seems relatively easy to implement but coordination can be difficult . In fact , such a move if it must concern to a rewriting work could probably be easily apply after a first preliminary phasis under scenario 1 .

SCENARIO 3. Constitution of missioned transnational teams. This would be entrusted to a transnational team of students (if possible from the five countries of the partnership members) the assignment to carry out this or that concrete task. The joint work would be primarily in English and through video conferences. In the context of implementation of such procedures should be specified an agenda providing for mutual consultation times (students to have at the same time access to the computer room in their facility). The method would improve accountability students (who would have to appoint a project manager and to meet a deadline) would encourage trade among themselves and be more "innovative" from EU perspective (learner autonomy, development of languages ​and integration of ITC). The teachers should agree to "missionner"  (give their job to them) a group of students or to assess the results, which again would be stimulating. Nevertheless, in practice, this tactic seems complicated to implement.

SCENARIO 4. Use of eTeaching. One of the teachers take over the coordination of an activity - the concrete realization of a prodution and would address (through  video posts, for example) to target students designated in the five countries; The teacher would centralize productions after having distributed the workload and students pass through it to work. This method gives less autonomy to learners but relies on a procedure referred to in the NBE+ application form  and intoduces perhaps to a more easy cooperation cause coordination is assumed by an adult.


Although the most rudimentary method first described (senario 1) is a priori most immediately understandable, and that's probably (?) As applicable, at least as regards the work of rewriting by the students, which is largely in the field of literature, coordinated by Vivienne.

The above proposals are not exclusive of each other and could be pursued simultaneously.. In particular,for historical studies (or other) intended to produce objects from an interdisciplinary and transnational logic  conducted outside or next to the rewriting of the Dracula myth, scenarios 3 and 4 seem to me to be experienced ad hoc basis, fueling the production of educational tools (to present and disseminate the very end of the partnership).

Other scenarios may also be offered.

Thank you to share your ideas on the subject!

Also, to inform colleagues of all work on the fears; developing locally and / or would like to discuss in a transnational context.

Use the blog to do this!

vendredi 29 juillet 2016


Erasmus+ coordination globale Vanderplancke                    General supervisor

1. We took twelve decisions together, and you can find its on this page

On the French coordinator's site you 'll see also a monitoring
schedule timetable, quality control files and reports ….
Thanks you hosts from Roma and Riga for the papers you sent me
(to fill pages about mobilities)

2. We'll have next year
to finish studies about Night mythical creatures - from now to february of 2017 -
in order to begin the second pedagogic phasis
(studies about modern fears, and : rewritings to perform).

- During C3, contextualization of Dracula will be the main subject with the first brain stormings
between students about the ways to do rewritings and perhaps to dispatch tasks (?).
As you remember, we did plan to have exchanges about this subject before the travel.
- All the project holders have (or they can obtain its if they do not ask for during R2)
administration rights on our new common website
Please you to insert on this Webzine draft al sort of contents. Formatting would be changed if necessary later, first we have to fill the site ! It's perhaps possible to have a grant from UE linked to the eTwinning project we were involved in !

Attached pieces (mail version) : 2 forms (goals and survey)
      - Our first progress report is to be sent to French National Agency.... Find here a form about targeted goals in C1 and C2 (connected to the aims formulatde by our project's bible).
      - We were supposed to finish surveying tasks before the 25th of july. But holidays are holidays. So, use the Survey form to tell me what activities you'd like to see on the published notes (right column, dedicated pages in our blog) for the 1st period (from september to march) or for the second one (from april to june).

  1. Nous avons pris ensemble une douzaine de décisions dont vous trouverez la liste pour rappel sur le site nbeplus. Sur cette même plateforme de diffusion produite par le coordinateur français, vous disposez d'un planning pédagogique et de fichiers relatifs au contrôle qualité ainsi que des comptes-rendus. Je remercie nos hôtes de Rome et Riga d'avoir bien voulu transmettre les fichiers qui alimentent les pages concernant nos mobilités.
  2. Nous aurons l'année scolaire prochaine à en terminer avec les études consacrées aux créatures et mythes nocturnes du passé (d'ici à février 2017) pour aborder la seconde phase de notre programme pédagogique (étudier les peurs modernes et faire les réécritures attendues). Durant C3, les principaux sujets seront d'une part la contextualisation du mythe de Dracula en Roumanie et d'autre part les premières discussions entre élèves à propos des méthodes à mettre en œuvre pour réaliser les réécritures et peut-être pour se répartir les tâches. Comme vous vous en souvenez nous avons prévu d'en parler entre professeurs avant le Voyage d'étude. Tous le s porteurs de projet détiennent par ailleurs (ou ils peuvent les obtenir s'ils ne s'en sont pas occupés lors de R2) les droits d'administration de notre nouveau site commun ILARGIA. Merci d'insérer dans la maquette du Webzine tous les contenus que vous souhaitez y voir figurer. L a mise en page sera si nécessaire modifiée a posteriori, mais la priorité est d'alimenter le site. Il est envisageable de bénéficier d'une subvention de l'UE en lien avec le eTwinning dans lequel nous étions impliqués.
    PIECES JOINTES (à la version courriel du message)
    un document pdf joint à notre premier rapport intermédiaire, sur le s objectifs atteints par les mobilités C1 et C2, comparés aux résulats atendus tels que formulés dans la Bible de notre Projet
    un document odt à remplir si vous voulez compléter l'information des notes de coordination affichées dans le blog (colonne de droite) relatives aux périodes de supervision 1 (septembre-mars) et 2 (avril-juin) et faire apparaître des activités conduites par vous

mercredi 27 juillet 2016


First official report to our French National Agency is written.
Find here an abstract (in French) with our class program.

Premier Trimestre
Objectifs \/ et contenus >>
V Péraudeau
groupe 1
PL Vanderplancke
groupe 2
1 Faire percevoir que la figure du vampire se confond avec les origines de la littérature
2 Appréhender le caractère universel du Mythe gâce au voyage d'étude et à des parallèles entre littératures d'origines diverses
Etude des créatures de la Nuit et des créatures sanguinaires dans la littérature de l'Antiquité
(L'Iliade la Bible, les Métamorphose)
Recherche sur les cultes liées à la Nuit (notamment Mithra)
Préface : Dracula et les Vampires
Premier thème d'étude : Les sorcières, de Zuggaramurdi à “l'Ane d'Or” d'Apulée
(rationalisation : le culte souterrain de Mithra, préparation au voyage à Rome)
Deuxième Trimestre
Objectifs \/ et contenus >>
V Péraudeau
groupe 1
PL Vanderplancke
groupe 2
3 Montrer l'évolution de la figure du Vampire dans la littérature du XIXème Siècle et dans les écrits et le cinéma contemporains
Etude des sources du mythe et de l'apport représenté par l'oeuvre de Stoker
Exemple de trois réécritures cinématographiques
Exploitation du voyage d'étude C1 et
Postface : L'Histoire de la Roumanie (sources historiques du mythe de Dracula)
Troisième Trimestre
Objectifs \/ et contenus >>
PL Vanderplancke
groupe 1
V Péraudeau
groupe 2
4 Expliquer les évolutions de la figure du Vampire et contextualiser les principales peurs et phobies
Préface : Dracula et Frankenstein, confrontation de deux mythes - productions numérisées et préparation de C2 par l'élève concernée
Deuxième thème d'étude : Les Monstres
Postface : L'Histoire de la Roumanie (préparation au voyage à Cluj ; carte)
Lectures de textes sources du mythe et d'extraits de l'oeuvre de Stoker
Contextualisation historique, questionnement sur la persistance et les nuances de la peur

webzine ILARGIA is online

During this "kick off" year for the NBE+ partnership, most of our common studies were linked to the themes/subjects focused by our eTwinning Ilargia. It's now up to all of us to fill the dedicated website, in order to disseminate a good outlook on the best students' productions about Night creatures, myths and festivals.

Let's see the posts from our external partners from Germany and Romania, Tania Tschernoster (Blankenheim) and Carmen Trasca (Cluj-Napoca).
You, "Nuits Blanches" project holders, have an username and a password to write inside the webzine >>>>>

go to

Insert your contents as soon as you want, presentation and dispatching will be improved later.
The goal is to finish the publication in February and to definitively end the formatting during Spring (2017).

[if you lost your ID, I shall give you another one... in September !]

vendredi 8 juillet 2016


The R2 Meetings conclusions are one line.


12 decisions must be applied and deadlines do exist for all of its.

Find a list on : also (on the pedagogic schedule time made in order to help monitoring by skill area coordinators.

Note that something is changed in the repartition of Tasks : coordinators were supposed to insert all the productions linked to their skill area on line (using the future common website, and acting as sort of editor in chief for his column). It will be more simple for the local projec tholders to upload themselves contents made in their high school.

dimanche 3 juillet 2016


In order to help you to write your feedback notes (lists with activities and dates, and perhaps proposals from your part for future cooperative works).... I have made an abstract of activities leaded in France by myself (Vivienne already did it from her part, some of works were common ones). This sort of synthesis note made in each country could be a way to do internal dissemination before external mediatisation...

Vivienne (B) – Alessandra (C) – Sanita (D) – Ramona (E) – Eda (F)
Pierre-Laurent Vanderplancke (A)

What I did with pupils (or without) : pedagogic works, dissemination - and When I did it….
NB : It would be difficult to talk about “results” for each of these activities (as it is supposed to be done in our report to Agencies)  because, we need have time enough to evaluate its.
PEDAGOGIC ACTIVITIES (details on http:/

FIRST SURVEY PERIOD From October, 2015 to March, 2016

DRACULA : study of the Myth / September, 2015
One Movie (Dracula, prince des Ténèbres)                                                                          C
One famous Book linked to universal legends                                                                     B

WITCHES : some night creatures / October to November 2015
Personal researches by students about witches                                                                   D
Inscription and presentation of the pupils on the eTwinning website                                  F
Presentations (reports after mobility)  made  and  put on line in the Twinspace                F
Study of witch characters in a Movie (Les sorcières de Zuggaramurdi)                             C
Sorcery and paganism : a book (L’âne d’or d’Apulée)                                                        B
Sorcery and Paganism : Mithras cult (a mitrhaeum in Roma)                                            D
Sorcery and primitive Christianism : a book and a movie (Quo Vadis)                              B, C

Visit of caves (Urdax, Zuggaramurdi) / The 15th of October
Report on line on NBE+ website made by the Teacher                                                       A, F
Darkness experience  and talks about                                                                                 C,D
Visit of the Zuggaramurdi Museum                                                                                     D
Meeting with a Joaldun (local traditions expert)                                                                 C, D


Recall : STUDY TRAVEL C1 December, 2015
Transnational questionaires filled by students about visited sites                                       C, D

Interview by RAI UNO  the 12th of December                                                                      F
Invitation of a journalist : one page in Sud Ouest newspaper the 30th of December          F
Creation of NBE+ Facebook closed group the 9th of December, 2015                              A, F

RESULTS OF C1 : antique roots / December to January, 2016
Synthesis of the mobility, Ghosts of Roma                                                                           C,F
Study of Traian column and history of Roma, Dacia                                                           C, D
Making of a NBE+  corner in the Library by pupils and evaluation the 14th of january    F

[CROSS OVER POINT – New students from January….]

FRANKENSTEIN AND DRACULA : studies of two characters / January to March
Writing of a post about these creatures and translation                                                     F
First steps for a monsters typology                                                                                      B,C, D
Evaluation of the project by learning people (answer to questionnaires)                           E

By Claude Labat : Primacy of chtonian divinities in local traditions                                  D

Brain storming about national reports (and visit to Colegiul Pop in February)                 A

SECOND  SURVEY PERIOD From March to June, 2016

Visit of European Parliament and meeting with our german Twinning partner                A

OPEN DAY AT LYCEE RAVEL the 2th of April
Producing of a flyer about our European projects, and animation of a stand                   A, F

MONSTERS : studies from April to June
A science fiction movie : Oblivion (typology)                                                                      C,D
A movie : Sin City (ethics)                                                                                                    C,D
A short novel (Les Monstres d’AE Van Vogt)                                                                      B

MIDSUMMER SOLSTICE : Study by Izaia                                                                          C, D

Recall : STUDY TRAVEL C2 May, 2016
Transnational questionaires filled by students about visited sites                                       C, D

Sharing of administration rights in NBE+ closed group with partners the 22th of May    A, F Implementation of a NUITS BLANCHES board in Lycée Ravel  lobby the 1st of June     A, F

TRANSYLVANIA : final  study
History of Romania : a map, evaluation                                                                              D



Pics and report about R2 final ceremony sent to local Newspaper the 25th of June           F

Publication the 1st of July

samedi 2 juillet 2016


SURVEY PERIOD 2 from April to June, 2016
  1. The project printed poster, sign and rollup. The signboard hangs on the outside wall of the school.(April 2016)
  2. Olcay BARAN, Literature Teacher of our school, participated the 6 hour workshop themed "Invisible Theater" and which was led by Ass. Assoc. Dr. Selda ERGÜN and held at the Contemporary Drama Association İzmir Branch on 2nd April 2016.
  3. In context of the project and with the contribution of Ege University Institute of Turkish World Studies (Prof. Dr. Alimcan İNAYET, Assoc. Dr. Muvaffak DURANLI and Lecturer Seçkin SARPKAYA), our school held a panel on "Extraordinary Creatures of Turkish Culture and Turkish Myth" at Çeşme District National Education Directorate conference hall. With this, the aim to disseminate the project with the district Çeşme was actualized through the participation of all students and students district wide. Also, some products of the project such as paintings, photos, books, objects, soaps were exhibited during the panel. We also published some project posters and hang them on related places such as schools and educational buildings, and also share them on
  4. On 9th April 2016, our Turkish Literature Teachers Olcay BARAN and Hülya ÇELİKEL with a group of 19 students of us organized a museum-workshop tour (Konak Municipality Nejdet Alpar Mask Museum, Konak Municipality Cheer and caricature Museum and Konak Municipality Ümran Baradan Game and Toy Museum).
  5. At Alaçatı Herbal Festival on 7-10 April 2016, Şerife GÜNGÖR (Chemistry Teacher) and Alp ÇETİNDMİR (Assistant Director) introduced the project and the project products to the Çeşme Society which contain Shahmeran, gray wolf, Gulyabani and wish tree figures, all of which were produced by the students of us.
  6. 26- Once in every week between the dates of 14th February and 25 June 2016, our literature teachers Hülya ÇELİKEL and Olcay BARAN organized and led a drama workshop at between 10.00-17.00. For the first four weeks of the workshop, Mrs. Elif ÖZARI, a leader in Contemporary Drama Association, led the workshop.
  7. Students participated in drama workshops to play in Riga; about Traditions and customs, symbols in Turkish culture, rituals, fortune and magic. (April-May 2016)

Turkish Team

SURVEY PERIOD 3 from July to November, 2016

ACTIVITIES IN ÇEŞME1. A meeting was held as a project member with the announcement of the program C3 of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, which will take place between 7-11 November 2016. A slide about our old fears and a drama about the subject were decided to work. For the correctness of the information on the slide to be prepared at this point, assistance was requested from Ege University Institute of Turkish World Research Institute and Turkish Folklore Ph.D. student Mr. Seçkin SARPKAYA for guidance and a slide was prepared under his guidance. (September 2016)

2. The Creative Writing Workshop was held to create scenarios about myth of fear and Dracula's legend.( between September and November)

3. Creative Drama workshop about fear myths and Sahmeran. (at the end of September)

4. Painting Workshop was held with drawings related to the myth and Dracula legend.(between September and November)

5. With 101 students, we went to Izmir / Çeşme District Public Library to do research on our old and modern fears.( October 2016)

6. We invited Mr. Seçkin SARKKAYA, a lecturer at the Ege University Institute of Turkish World Research and a Turkish Folklore Ph.D. student, to Romania for the C3 Cluj-Napoca movement with the approval of the schoolmaster. Mr.Seçkin SARPKAYA welcomed our invitation in October 2016.

7. During the October-December 2016 period, in order to prevent from school dropouts, an informative seminar work on occupation, work anxiety and fear was done and nearly
300 schoolchildren and their families attended it.

8. A meeting was held on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 with the director of the Yellow Zeybek Dance and Performing Arts Association and the instructor Onur TABAK who graduated from the Ege University State Conservatory, and an agreement was reached with the students to give them courses on Turkish folk dances and drama studies.

9. Informative documents about the content of the project and announcements related to the activities were prepared by hanging on the school project panel.

10. Within the scope of dissemination activities, TRT Kent Radyo, a local radio in Izmir, was promised to promote the project with Ege University Institute of Turkish Earth Research Institute and Turkish Folklore PhD student Sayın Seçkin SARPKAYA. On 07 December 2016 Wednesday at 15.00 Hayata Dair program, Instructor Seçkin SARPKAYA introduced İlargia NBE + project, Romanian Cluj-Napoca tour and Count Vladimir (Dracula legend).

Turkish team

vendredi 1 juillet 2016

REPORTS of first survey period can be downloaded on the NUITS BLANCHES international coordinator's website

FIRST SURVEY PERIOD from October to march, 2016

R1 report by Alessandra (and published on GDrive) can also be found on French coodinator's Website

 - C2 reports by Sanita will be put on line, too
- and the "Check Point 1" results, too

Second post by Alessandra Soriente

C2 Short-term exchanges :
short-term joint staff training event and short-term exchanges between groups of students held in RIGA, LATVIA (09.05.2015 – 13.05.2015)

Summer solstice and interpretation.
Second meeting of High School Students, organized by Riga Secondary Evening School No 18.
Confrontation of mythologies and night rituals. Teachers help students to implement approaches to benchmarking and structural stories and traditions.

Total participants: 44 (13 teachers and 31 students)
Italian participants: 1 headmistress, 2 teachers, 8 students

Italian students power point presentations:
- students presentations
- how to create a logo
- summer solstice
- werewolf
- Reportage Riga
"Reportage Riga" is a report in power point (46 slides) done by italian students when they came back in Rome.

mercredi 22 juin 2016


From October 2015 to March 2016
1-A school board announcing the project was prepared and hung on the wall.
2- The documents that contain activities of the project and outputs have been uploaded in e-twinning portal and NBE+ project website. 
3- As one of our tasks in the project is to mention about our two Legends, Şahmeran and Gulyabani, some of our school teacher in the department of Literature and some of our students have attended in the third international Turkish States and World Cultural Congress based on the books of Dede Korkut ( Epic Stories of Oghuz Turks) which has been arranged by Aegean University between the dates of 9th and 23rd October 2015 at İzmir Çeşme Ilıca Hotel. Our teachers and students have been informed about myths and legends of the cultural heritage of Turkish World. 
4- In terms of Drama activities, we have kept in touch with a theatre company called "Mekanartı", which displays the play Şahmeran.
5-We have mailed to İzmir Drama Association for helping us to make masks, puppets and all factoring workshops in our school.
6-Some of the teachers had a cultural visit to Tarsus, which is a city well-known by the legend of Şahmeran.  
7- There had been a drama course for our students by the help of our literature teachers every weekend from the beginning of 14th of February 2016 to 25th June 2016. In this drama course our students have created new products to improve the project implementation.
8-Mrs. Elif Özar, who is one the leads of İzmir Contemporary Drama Association, has participated in our drama workshop and supported NBE+ projects and our students.
9- As for the dissemination part we have declared our project to the local and international society with printed and unprinted media. Çeşme Life Magazine had an interview with our director and project team, we gave them information about NBE+ project. Moreover they have published our project in their monthly magazine to the concern for the society. 

From March 2016 to July 2016
1- Prof. Dr. Sarpkaya, Prof. Dr. Alimcan İnayet and Ass. Prof. Dr. Muvaffak Duranlı have given a seminar about myths and legends of supernatural being in Turkish Culture not only to our school students but also to other High School Student in Çeşme district on 8th April, 2016.
2- Also, we had an exhibition, which includes all of the photos, products, books, poster to attract attention of the society in Çeşme Directorate of National Education.
3-We also attended a local festival, "Cesme Alacati Herbal Festival" to make the local people be aware of our projcet, that is to create awareness of the society.