dimanche 16 juillet 2023


  IC19 note / Le 16/07/23

Le cinquième élément : connaître les Forces de la Nature et produire une énergie durable 2020-2023

Hello Friends. As I am just beginning to complete the eVe+ final report, I have first checked the mobilities done by the partners as it is reported in Mobility Tool. You can tell me if something seems wrong for you. The issue is to obtain all of the remaining funds (20% of the total the EU promised us) : some reductions will be probably applied to schools due to missing mobilities, even if I may try to explain the context was difficult enough.


Pierre-Laurent (Project Manager)

OBJECTIFS en termes de mobilités / mobilities to be implemented in the duration of eVe+

I - Réunions Transnationales - Transnational Meetings

Three external events and one local meeting were scheduled in the eVe+ Timeline: nine outing mobilities must be done eventually.

The risk is a reduction of your grants (a possible issue concerning only Cluj-Napoca and Cesme since the other teams had implemented 9 adults mobilities as said in the common application).

The lost amounts may be :

760 € for Turkish team (the cost of the funds promised to you in order go to France since you were two representatives in R3 instead of three people).

760 + 575 € for Romanian team (you were two people in Cesme instead of three, the same situation when you came to France after the cancellation of your travel to Riga for C1).

As the change of the destination (R01 for R1) made the flights and travel prices were inflated and due to the economic crisis, I shall ask to the Agency if we can avoid any sanction, but it was a rule in the old system (KA2 before 2022) to check the number of mobilities and to punish the schools if somes were missing ; probably you know you have missing mobilities and you do remember the warnings notes I sent you in relation with this problem (mainly the INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION NOTES IC 14 / IC 6 but also the W3 issues during R1 meeting – all these information putted online in both NBE+ website or blogspot). The pandemic, but also exams and reformations tried by our governments sometimes did not help us.

II – Voyages d'études / short-term exchanges of students

Two study travels were planned, theoretically for 10 pupils (5+5) and four teachers (2+2) except in the case of Cesme (15 pupils, six staffs, three outing events). Some partner schools succeeded to add mobilities more (to incresase the students crew or the number of adults). It was a challenge due to the always heavier costs. In my opinion it should be a pity if Turkish team loose a grant due to one staff mobility missing in R4 since two more were implemented in the framework of study travels C1 and C2  !

pics: C3 Study Travel's report

NOTA BENE: Final Report must be done before the end of September

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