lundi 22 août 2022

eVe+ coordination: 14th note in order to prepare 2022-2023 School Year

Note de COORDINATION INTERNATIONALE n°14 – IC14 note / Le 22 août 2022 

 Le cinquième élément : connaître les Forces de la Nature et produire une énergie durable 2020-2023 Energyplus QUINTESSENCE Erasmus+

Olga and Sanita will go on to hold the project in Latvia, from their new school (named Rigas.Raina) after the Rigas. 18 vidduskola was definitively closed. The local coordinator becomes Mrs Prof Vivita Ponciusa. Except for a huge surprise, the integration of this new partner will be acted very soon, just after the exchange of signatures between the headmasters (in a couple of weeks). Sauf énorme suprise, l'intégration d'un nouveau partenaire après la fermeture de la Rigas. 18 sera prochainement actée après l'échange des signatures entre les chefs d'établissement et la Rigas. Raina se substituera à notre ancien partenaire pour mettre en oeuvre la coopération selon le calendrier et les modalités déjà prévues par le projet QUINTESSENCE. 

School partners must target all the common applicant's goals in order to be totally granted by the EU. Especially in the case of this KA 201 project, due to the postponed payment of 20% of the promised amounts after the acceptance of the final report (next summer, 2023). It is very important to do all the mobilities you are presumed to implement. 3 adults in each “R international meeting” (or, if you prefer: 9 mobilities at the end of the project / as a minima). 5 students and 2 teachers in each “C study travel” (or 15 mobilities for pupils and 6 for adults at the end of the partnership). Do not forget: you are free to make more mobilities and are authorized to use 20% of the management funds to realize it but shall be “punished” if you do less than your promise (if the total number of outing mobilities is not equal or superior to these values, you are sure to loose a part of your money!). As the Pandemic situation impacted the beginning of the activities, some of you may have to add in the future some individual mobilities in the next events (R2 in Çesme, C3 in Riga, then R3 and R4) to reach their own quantitative aims and target our common objectives. 
Vérifiez que vous aurez bien réalisé, à la fin du partenariat un nombre de mobilités au moins égal à celui que nous nous étions fixés comme objectif de départ (il est loisible de faire davantage de voyages que prévu mais interdit d'en faire moins sous peine de sanction financière).

 This seminar was fixed from the 26th to the 28th of september in Türkiye. 
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R3 MAIN ISSUES would be: 

MIDTERM QUALITY CONTROL and coordination in order to adjust the mobilities (especially: how many foreign students in the last travel) and see our the reformatted plan (made in Riga during R1) is really applied. 

CONCRETE PEDAGOGIC GOALS to be (re)defined for C3. We must choose to produce one graphic novel integrating some of C1 and C2 outputs or to present a compilation od results of the 3 study travels (but I think the best would be to make both tasks – anyway we must decide together). 

SCHEDULING AND PREPARATION OF THE eVe+ VIDEOCONFERENCES to be implemented during the “ERASMUS MOB week” done in France from the 11th to the 13rd of october. Orders must be given before R1 to the most interested and/or talentuous students to write and/or to draw some synopsises for a common tale about energies including mythologic, socail ansd scientific issues. The modalities of the videoconference (one or several ones to confront, choose and/or comment the drafts) would be decided during R1 

Perhaps Cagri wants to include other purposes / or anyone else of you: thanks to tell it in this case (3 daily workshop for every one of these points may be planned during the 3 days meeting, even if we concretely manage to do the job in one half day in the beginning of the seminar, and fix the last details at the farewell moment).  / or anyone else of you: thanks to tell it in this case (3 daily workshop for every one of these points may be planned during the 3 days meeting, even if we concretely manage to do the job in one half day in the beginning of the seminar, and fix the last details at the farewell moment).  

About C3 we'll have to fix the dates asap (during R1 or more probably R2) 
About R3 meeting: we need a confirmation from Cluj team to fix it in november, if possible before the 20th of november R4 may be implemented in June, in France (during the local festivities) 
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 IMPORTANT Accomodation (Rooming) and Travel datas To Turkish team: please you to give us asap some details on the hotel choosen as our Erasmus+ “camp base” and the ways 

we can pay for it / warn everybody very quick if there is a problem with organization since people are probably already thinking on flights purchasing. Reports about our mobilities and abstract of our ppanning and goals are available in NBE+ (French coordination site) A larger dissemination of the results is made in Some International Notes are frequently shared between the project holders (you are reading the 14th IC and can find a copy online in the NBE+ blog, on: 

 P-L Vanderplancke, eVe+ International Coordinator IC 14