BeBoP13 (Be.yond.Bo.undaries: People)
WARNING: It seems that the decision to swap the place of implementation of the cooperative mobilities named C3 and C5 results from a series of misunderstandings. Ultimately, for the Italian team, C5 in November 2025 is a good solution. And the maintenance of C3 in Cluj-Napoca is also satisfactory for the Romanian team. The initial schedule is maintained as is, contrary to the decision apparently taken at the conclusion of the debates held in Cesme... but take care that C5 slips after the summer of 2025: in November (due to the limitation of two outings at most each year, imposed by the coordinating high school). One of the remote meeting (R3/R4) may be postponed too...
page 1 WARNING about schedule and presentation of our coat of arms, made in Cesme and selected by our students. page 2 CONTENTS of IC13 / C1 DEBRIEF and DISSEMINATION TABLE page 3 ISSUES OF THE C2 PLENAR COMMITTEES C1 DEBRIEF AND DISSEMINATION TABLE \/\/ |
The drawing produced by the students will serve as a common coat of arms for the partners and will now appear on all official documents (correspondence, attendance certificates, media sites). The laurels evoke the initial logo of the project, which remains in force for internal exchanges between project holders and as a “brand” of the coordinator and the Be.Bo.P section on the NBE+ (Notre Bureau Européen) site. Laurels evoke the different empires and the status of borders, at their limits as well as within their vast territories, but they also allude to Greco-Roman civilization, studied by the target group in France, the country initiating the partnership. The rope evokes the naval specialization of the Turkish secondary school, organizer of the first exchange, and the limit between the sea and the continent, a natural but also political border, interface and dividing line. It also refers to the imagination of travel. The blades of the central windmill recall the transitions in progress and feature the flags of the countries represented in the cooperation; they are arranged around a very “small planet”, in order to underline that our world is faced with challenges that no nation can claim to meet alone. The twelve stars refer to the European Union and more broadly to the need for solidarity and unity in order to support a transnational collaborative effort. |
C1 PHOTOGRAPHIC REPORT ONLINE is available in Notre Bureau Européen NBE+ (made for project holders) as also a RELEVANCE CHECKING PAGE (both in the COOPERATIVE MOBILITIES part) and C1 CONTROL QUALITY is edited in the FOLLOW UP part of the same website / please put information in your own school site and/or some links to NBE+
The most part of the Be.Bo.P intellectual outputs are published in our project showcase, whose name is LegendE+ (also managed by Lycée Ravel). It is done in the section names DELIVERABLES made to promote all the works we exchanged during the meeting; this part will be completed in the future.. each mobility marking a deadline for the products we planned to realize at home, according our Work Timeline (centered on WP2). But most of the expected production (and the best ones) resides in the transnational workshops concretely implemented in the framewok of the cooperative mobilities: the results will be promoted on the scientific popularization site (Be.B.o.p.explorer - unless there is a last minute name change – three parts: Science tools, Discoveries, Drawings ) or in the VIDEO/DOCUMENTARY section soon to open (from of C2) in LegendE+ / please put information in your own school site and/or some links to LegendE+
INTERNET Propaganda:
Journal Officiel Be.Bo.P international coordination notes in the project holders's blog
Be.Bo.P backgrounds in “Notre Bureau Européen“ NBE+
and Be.Bo.P deliverables in LegendE+
DISSEMINATION PLAN press releases on the occasion of the six mobilities with students planned; communication operation during remote collaborative work, sometimes organized at the same time as #Erasmusdays or as part of a week of mobilization around videoconferences organized by the Lycée Ravel (ERASMUS MOB). Coworking sessions were done in the #Eramusdays 2023, ERASMU SMOB 2024 probably in May with eTwinners and/or Be.Bo.P partners.
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Tasks reporting procedure: inventory, gaps, activities to be described before the month of June to help draft the interim report.
Budgetary situation: we will need each school to establish the total amount of costs it has incurred, before C2 then after C2. It is necessary to show an overall consumption of 70% of the first tranche (by all the partners and not by each of them) to be able to claim payment of the second part of the subsidies.
Setting the timetable: at least approximate dates for localized cooperation C4, in Portugal (planned in January according to the application) and -if it's possible- precise for C3 (with a view to pre-recruiting students before going on vacation this summer).
Satisfaction questionnaires
Efficience and Impacts (tools for measurement)
Targeted groups: an update on the initial selection criteria as transmitted to the IC, a debate on the recruitment strategy accompanying the evolution of the calendar and taking into account cost inflation
WP2 management (Latvia, Italy) : main outputs of the first phase (A4 and A5) and goals for next year (A5+A6) and C5.
WP3 management (France, Turkey) : contributions expected for C4 (Portuguese navigators) and future dissemination
WP4 management (France, Portugal) : progression and schedule, insertion in the mobilities
WP5 management (France, Romania)
WP2 (module 2 SUR LES FRONTIÈRES) LEARNING SESSIONS CENTERED ON BORDERS : in the classrooms, also in some remote coworkings, and in the collaborative workshops implemented during mobilities C1,C2, C3 and C5
WP3 (module 3 VERS L'INFINI ET AU DELÀ) PRODUCE A POPULAR SCIENCE WEBSITE: topic is the understanding of the world, the known and the unknown; the most important of deliverable output after the documentary movie
WP4 (module 4 DANS TOUT LE ROYAUME) PRODUCE A DOCUMENTARY FILM: considering “climate refugges” among other subjects (transnational footage from C2 and in the following meetings, local interviews about migration to be shared in C4)
WP5 (module 5 DANSER SUR UNE PETITE PLANÈTE) DANCING and LIVING TOGETHER: in order to produce a choregraphied transnational performance at the end of the partnership (and to share good times all along the project is ongoing)