mercredi 11 septembre 2024



BeBoP19 (Be.yond.Bo.undaries: People) 11/09/2024



« Beyond Bondaries : People » partnership - Quality Control

C3 GOALS from the 4th to the 10th of November in Cluj-Napoca

WP 1 – Management

C4 must be definitively scheduled. At this time, we have no guarantee about the possibility to send our progress report we prepared in june, 2024 before march. In the eventuality, it means we cannot obtain the second part of the European money we are still waiting for before next summer. So all school partners must fund the C4 mobiliy with their own ressources before to be repaid later. In fact, it is the normal way of the implementation of ERASMUS+ cooperative actions. The National Agency staff is no more so optimistic it was last year: it is staying now in the belief the commission will not change her payment calendar, which is mentioned in the Be.Bo.P contract. If most of the partner schools can find a solution to involve even a little delegation in the cooperative activity located in Portugal, I do think the best is to maintain C4 as it was in the original plan; It shall be indeed possible for one of the partners to add some people more later, in the following meetings, to make a compensation if both its learners and teachers are not implicated in C4 – we sometimes did this sort of things in the past ! But anyway the travel to Montijo was only presumed to be done from the 17th to the 21st of March and the dates must absolutely be confirmed.

Note the alternative could consist of postponing C4 LTTA from the beginning to the end of 2025: it's a big risk because doing like that means we do not apply the plan – first criterion to be supported by the commission without any penalty! And in addition we will waste time and have problems to finish our documentary film (but we have already lost our expert and will have to do by ourself most of the works!). Last inconvenient in this eventuality : we have to implement 3 meetings in the same school year 2025-2026: perhaps it is too much for our headmaster and he will not accept?

Please think on it before, see with your managers how it is possible to make without any new grant.. we need to take a resolution in Cluj. And it could be keeping the original date in March or in Springtime even if we cannot be all together in the meeting.

A little symposium must be implemented at the same time we'll do the 7th General Assembly of the ILARGIA League of Teachers created in 2018. It should be very kind if all of you agree to take part in. It will be centered on the question : why a project (or a candidacy) is bad rated by EU evaluators ? (As Genius 2022 in Cluj was focused on Good Projects, Scholar 2024 can target the problems we have with the changes in the ERASMUS+ process and present the challenges we must overcome for enhance our chances in the future selections and ensure the quality of the results of our ongpoing project. As a sample of things we must meliorate : the field trips during the LTTA must be motivated by activities : ie if we go from Cluj to Alba Iulia during C3 study travel, it is for our students (dispatched in some international teams) make some interviews of tourists, migrants, politics (I do not know if we'll do this activity it is only a sample of the necessity to present every day as a transnational educational session and not as a touristic journey!)


A situation point is necessary about Scientific topics in the project (A7-A8) and the progress of partners. We hope the Turkish team will give during C3 the tools for each local coordinator to feed the national section in the Be.Bo.P explorer blog (A9) with art (drawings) or History (exploration and discoveries) and the productions made in Python language may have a beginning very soon.


No deliverables to be done separately in order to be presented to other schools in Romania (this way of share was only appropriated for C1 and C2 meetings). Some of the students can make a quick comment on the international coworkings we remotely produced in the framework of the last ERASMUS MOB (in attachment) but the most useful contribution should consist each school making of a few interviews in English made at home we should perhaps put in the documentary. If you have time enough to prepare it, your students can show some presentations devoted to Science History and/or the limits between Known and Unknown as indicated in our schedule (activity 6,1). Or teachers will make a short report.


Producing some local video interviews and surveys on : travel, migration and borders is the priority (A10,1) in this phase and for the C3 agenda
Online courses by our cineast expert are probably forever cancelled (the reason is we cannot pay him) ; perhaps the Romanian team can find some local ressources for aworkshop with the aim of collecting some ideas from learners to prepare the documentay film's pitch ? I let Ramona and Monica take the decision about. Perhaps we can open an idea box online and/or prepare a videoconference centered on this topic (#Erasmusdays in october can be an opportunity to organize some virtual talks ?).


the debrief of the remote workshops we did in May and a lead for next year is to join the SEE.SHORE eTwinning to enhance the dissemination of the part of the job we use to do online in the framework of Be.Bo.P

Hoping these suggestions and reminders may have the Colegiul economic « Iulian Pop » to imagine the next located cooperative activity C3.