mardi 25 octobre 2016


Annonce du prochain voyage d'étude par l'équipe de Cluj-Napoca.

Let's see our NBE+ facebook group : 


jeudi 20 octobre 2016


Erasmus+ coordination globale Vanderplancke General supervisor

Our common calendar (Google Agenda) displays the following information:
C4 Cesme (study tour) from 8 to 12 May
Serife confirmed these dates.
R3 in Riga (seminar) from June 5 to 7
Please, Sanita to kindly confirm the dates or, if necessary, let us suggest another ones !
The next Check Point will be made in November (after the study travel to Cluj-Napoca).
Thank you to project holders to prepare - before December- the list of activities you conducted in your school since June. Simply insert a note in our common blog
htpp: // to publicize this list. Specify the skill area for each of the activities
(B, C, D, E or F). The same activity can enroll in several areas simultaneously !
Otherwise, if you do not want to write in the blog, send me an email please.
In the Survey transnational notes made for CP 2, made in June, most of mentioned activities were made in France, Turkey and Italy. So you can also specify some activities made in other schools partners, between early March and late May 2016, in order to complete the information of our "Official Journal".
Its contents will be "frozen" this winter and will thus be the most spectacular production to put forward at the time of deposit of our second progress report (for France, as probably for all of you, this report must be prepared and submitted in March, in order to obtain payment of the second part of the subsidies promised by the EU).
This webzine is actually a common site which aims to present the best productions of our students on Dracula, vampires and other creatures of the night studied since the launch of the partnership NBE + and even before (since the launch el'eTwinnnig Ilargia in September 2015). Furthermore, it also includes a section for productions storage between teachers sharing the logon rights.
This site on Yesterday fears is a training drive before building the common site NUITS BLANCHES which will be one of the final products of the Partnership, the Festival itself, and expose information about the rewrites, the Festival and the later phase distribution (until of lectures planned in Turkey) addressing .. therefore, ultimately, "the fears of this."
Vivienne and I took lessons, so as to help you if necessary.
To write and insert something into the site.
1 You need a username and a password. If you lost them, let me know and I'll give you more.
2 We must go to the website
3 Then enter HOME / ACCUEIL and click on connection, give your username and password
4 then open in HOME, the link « create a new post »
Before confirming, remember to choose a category (or creatures festivals) otherwise we shall arrange articles (no category ) in the right place later
5 in « HELP and Tuto » a subtopic « Storage » is to store your archives (only members of the partnership will have access, not the public) but there are also helps to realize inserting images or slideshows
6 if you want to illustrate your articles, consider compressing your files (maximum size 640X480) for example using a free program like photofiltre. You open your photo in this software and click "save as" and choose the compression rate (20% for example). Ideally, each writer creates a subfolder in the Photos folder with his own images.
7 to show videos or slideshows you can place a link or source code from "clouds" such as Google Drive or microsoftdrive, or youtube; it is not very complicated but it must go through toogle editor

8 must supply the site .... its finalization will be done from February

lundi 17 octobre 2016

A LECTURE (la scritura como un parapeto frente a la derrota y el medio) in LYCEE RAVEL

Conférences d'Histoire franco-espagnoles.
Some Doctors from spanish universities and two french experts will give lectures about fears during the civil war (and after). Students of international section OIB willl study History and Memory of this conflict and will produce some works for NBE+ project.
Today Prof. Naval (from University of Zaragoza) was talking about RJ Sender...
The 7th of November

samedi 15 octobre 2016

A flyer before the study travel to Romania (internal dissemination in France)

reporting will be inserted in our local website as for all the other mobilities
you can download the flyer from :

dimanche 9 octobre 2016

Vampire in Turkish Culture

Vampire in Turkish Culture: Blood Drinking Extraordinary Creatures in Turkish Culture with Reference to Turkish World Narratives and Beliefs

Vampire is an imagination of extraordinary creature that is specifically drinking blood. Vampire is a naming of this imagination that belongs the European cultures. The origin of the blood drinking extraordinary creature imaginations is very ancient and there are narratives and beliefs in so many cultures in the world. In Turkish culture, there are imaginations that drink blood and have extraordinary features, too. Turkish world narratives and beliefs;  Obur, Yalmavuz and Yek/Yek İçkek

The Oldest One “Yek”: An Ancient Vampire/Demon From Turkish Culture
                                                                                        Ege University, Institute for Turkish World Studies, 
                                                                                                            Seçkin Sarpkaya

Supernatural beings like vampires or demons attract a great deal of our attention. Sohow do we define these beings? Of course, there are many studies on this . As you can guess,as a Turkish researcher, I pursued the possibility of the existence of such vampiric beings inTurkish culture. Thus, my main aim in this artictle is to study the oldest vampire/demon conceptin Turkish culture. I will leave other vampire/demon concepts of Turkish culture like Obur orYalmavuz for a another time.
 Vampires and demons also point out an interactive world of creatures. As you all know,vampire is a supernatural creature which drinks blood. It exists in almost every culture in theworld. Vampire concepts such as Lamashtu, Lilith and Striga are ancient. What is the oldest
vampire/demon in Turkish culture then? Let’s answer this question.Yek is a demon that ismentioned in the Old Turkish dictionaries and the oldest Turkish texts. “Yek” finds place in the
Middle Age dictionaries, one of the oldest Turkish dictionaries  Divânü Lugâti’t -Türk  (aroundfirst years of 11th century) and some of the Buddhist Uygur texts (8th to 10th cc).
According to the knowledge from Divânü Lugâti’t-Türk, the word “yek” means “devil,satan”. Also, Jean Paul Roux kindly gives us hints that yek means “demon, devil, satan, iblis”in Old Turkish. The word “yek” is actually derived from the verb “yemek (to eat)” and, as you
can guess, it has cannibalism in its nature. In an Arabic-Kıpçak dictionary, it’s also a dangerous
creature in the form of powerful winds that accompany dust clouds.

The word “yek” is explained as “fairy, satan, devil, iblis” in dictionaries about OldTurkish. Also it means “obur” and while this denotation means “someone or something thateats a lot, appetent, glutton”, it’s also the name for a type of vampire in Turkish culture. So, ifyou are a person who loves eating much and someone bullies you about that, just remember that you may be a vampire incognito. In old Turkish texts the word “yek” takes place in theform of “yek içkek” which is a name for another vampire type In Karaçay-Malkar and Kazak Turkish, this word appears in the form of “cek” and means demon, devil, satan, as well. AltayTurks have “cek” word in their language and this word means glutton, appetent; also it’s one of the epithet of Erlik the arch-devil. Imagine, the arch-devil, the prime antagonist of theTurkish beliefs, i mean pre-Islamic, Islamic and the other beliefs of different Turkish tribes around the world, actually carries vampiric features! This fact itself alone can show how important of a figure the vampires are for Turkish myths. In old Turkish, the word “yek” is used as the general denotation of evil spirits in the nature.
One of the oldest Turkish texts that belong Uygur Turkish (8th to 10th cc), hasdescriptions of the hell in detail; creatures in it and what kind of punishments there are forsinners. It also contains the demons called Yek, who are a kind of hellhound, demon of the hell;they throw the sinner people, who fell down into the hell, to the boilers and they are monstersthat have got stern and sullen faces.
There is “yek” in an another old text Çaştani İlig Beg (The Story of Çaştani Bey, 8th to10th cc) that belongs to Uygur Turkish, too. Çaştani Bey, the hero of the story, fight againtsthese demons that send sickness to his people and harm them; he saves his people.
In this text the demons that called “yek” are demons/monsters that wait at the crossroad,
eat human flesh and drink human blood, wrap the guts of humans to their bodies, horrible faced,shout with ugly voices, hold tridents and flags in their hands, in the shape of a black giant, withfire-colored and tressed and beautify their bodies with venomous snakes.
Based on the knowledge that we presently have, it can be said that yek is the oldestdemon/spirit/vampire in Turkish folk lore.