jeudi 20 octobre 2016


Erasmus+ coordination globale Vanderplancke General supervisor

Our common calendar (Google Agenda) displays the following information:
C4 Cesme (study tour) from 8 to 12 May
Serife confirmed these dates.
R3 in Riga (seminar) from June 5 to 7
Please, Sanita to kindly confirm the dates or, if necessary, let us suggest another ones !
The next Check Point will be made in November (after the study travel to Cluj-Napoca).
Thank you to project holders to prepare - before December- the list of activities you conducted in your school since June. Simply insert a note in our common blog
htpp: // to publicize this list. Specify the skill area for each of the activities
(B, C, D, E or F). The same activity can enroll in several areas simultaneously !
Otherwise, if you do not want to write in the blog, send me an email please.
In the Survey transnational notes made for CP 2, made in June, most of mentioned activities were made in France, Turkey and Italy. So you can also specify some activities made in other schools partners, between early March and late May 2016, in order to complete the information of our "Official Journal".
Its contents will be "frozen" this winter and will thus be the most spectacular production to put forward at the time of deposit of our second progress report (for France, as probably for all of you, this report must be prepared and submitted in March, in order to obtain payment of the second part of the subsidies promised by the EU).
This webzine is actually a common site which aims to present the best productions of our students on Dracula, vampires and other creatures of the night studied since the launch of the partnership NBE + and even before (since the launch el'eTwinnnig Ilargia in September 2015). Furthermore, it also includes a section for productions storage between teachers sharing the logon rights.
This site on Yesterday fears is a training drive before building the common site NUITS BLANCHES which will be one of the final products of the Partnership, the Festival itself, and expose information about the rewrites, the Festival and the later phase distribution (until of lectures planned in Turkey) addressing .. therefore, ultimately, "the fears of this."
Vivienne and I took lessons, so as to help you if necessary.
To write and insert something into the site.
1 You need a username and a password. If you lost them, let me know and I'll give you more.
2 We must go to the website
3 Then enter HOME / ACCUEIL and click on connection, give your username and password
4 then open in HOME, the link « create a new post »
Before confirming, remember to choose a category (or creatures festivals) otherwise we shall arrange articles (no category ) in the right place later
5 in « HELP and Tuto » a subtopic « Storage » is to store your archives (only members of the partnership will have access, not the public) but there are also helps to realize inserting images or slideshows
6 if you want to illustrate your articles, consider compressing your files (maximum size 640X480) for example using a free program like photofiltre. You open your photo in this software and click "save as" and choose the compression rate (20% for example). Ideally, each writer creates a subfolder in the Photos folder with his own images.
7 to show videos or slideshows you can place a link or source code from "clouds" such as Google Drive or microsoftdrive, or youtube; it is not very complicated but it must go through toogle editor

8 must supply the site .... its finalization will be done from February

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