vendredi 25 mars 2022


 LE CID... est un dinosaure Orange !

La réécriture d'un mythe (celui du Cid, tout à la fois personnage du Théâtre classique mais encore figure historique de la Reconquista) en vue de diffuser une éthique moderne de tolérance à l'égard des orientations intimes....

A good example of Theatre, where myths are reinterpretated in order to disseminate a sweet (gay friendly) moral. 

Une classe de Seconde encadrée par Mme Augé et M Vanderplancke a assisté à la pièce de Théâtre "Le Cid était un dinosaure Orange" joué à la salle Larreko le Jeudi 24 mars. Cette activité sera prolongée en classe dans le cadre du cours de Français et s'inscrit en tant qu'atelier d'appui au partenariat TERRE DE LÉGENDES qui lie le lycée Ravel à trois écoles secondaires situées en Pologne, en Roumanie et en Turquie. Un voyage d'étude est d'ailleurs prévu vers Kwidzin (Poméranie) en Juin.

samedi 19 mars 2022

A WORKSHOP MADE IN ORDER TO PREPARE C1 eVe+ MEETING : Angoulême Festival the 18th of March

 How to write and to draw a graphic Novel ?

It will be one of the most important issue to solve during the first mobility implemented in Saint Jean de Luz in April.

Think on it will be a little more easier for some of the French students  after they went to the International Festival of Cartoons in Angoulême (FIBD).

La sortie du 18 mars au FIBD est un atelier d'appui au projet QUINTESSENCE (mais peut être aussi une source d'inspiration pour ceux des Lycéens qui participeront aussi au projet E+ L.o.L.)

Les élèves réaliseront un compte-rendu de leur visite en s'attachant à décrire l'une des expositions en particulier (au programme : le Musée de la BD, l'exposition "de Popeye à Persepolis" et l'espace Jeunesse du Festival, mais aussi l'espace JEUNES TALENTS, l'exposition à l'école ESI, celle de l'espace Moebius, et pour quelques uns la MANGA CITY et d'autres présentations au centre-ville (accessibles par une navette). Ces productions seront valorisées par une publication en ligne et serviront de support à des échanges oraux avec les élèves européens invités en France dans quelques semaines.

jeudi 17 mars 2022


Note de COORDINATION INTERNATIONALE n°9– IC9 note / Le 17 mars 2022

Le cinquième élément : connaître les Forces de la Nature et produire une énergie durable 2020-2023

Energyplus QUINTESSENCE Erasmus+


-Study travel to France C1 from the 10th to the 16th of April (agenda was given earlier, see IC7).

We'll send you very soon a planning form and an official invitation (it is absolutely necessary for Cesme team to do that, in order Cagri and colleagues to make the passport each Turkish citizen do need, but we'll make the same papers for Latvia and Romania too). But you must know that many changes will probably exist between this sketch and the real plan we'll follow, due to many local organizational remaining uncertainties.

Nous enverrons dès que possibles aux participants au voyage d'étude C1 un calendrier prévisionnel des activités jour par jour, car ce type de document est indispensable à l'équipe Turque pour faire établir les passeports nécessaires à son déplacement ; toutes les équipes le recevront – merci de noter toutefois que de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent quant à la nature exacte des tâches et l'implantation des sorties scolaires, ce qui signifie que le déroulement réel de la mobilité sera probablement assez différent du plan annoncé maintenant et par avance (lequel ndoit être considéré comme une simple esquisse).

Following mobilities “made in Romania”

  • Second transnational meeting in Cluj R2: could be done in June (very late in the month).We think it could be done from the 20th of June to the 23rd, because later it's difficult for Jean-Luc to exit from France because eof exams : is it ok for everyblody and esêcially for our Romanian hosts ?

  • Second Study Travel (to Romania, C2) is scheduled to take place from the 30th of may to the 3rd of June Perhaps it would be better to implement it from the 23rd to the 27th of may ? Or even earlier to avoid christian festivals ? Please: think on it and tell us what is possiible or not possible for you, cause I am supposed to be in France the 3th of June. Reminder : This mobiliy cannot be easily located elsewhere if the politic situation remains difficult (cause Latvia is also in eastern Europe): if we are not able to maintain C2, it means we'll have to postpone it to next school year... wich would be a bad solution.


Only the French project holder has to make now an intermim report, not you.

To show our good relationships to the National Agency, you can give me as a proof information about :

1°) local workshops you did in your classroom or outside of the school (topics and dates) linked to eVe+ partnership.

2°) if possible, the total amount of your spends by now (in addition of the mobilities): no details but a short description about the sort of things you have bought.

LOCAL WORKSHOPS valorization in our common website:



Please ask to pupils in your schol to imagine and do a drawing about the theme of your country (air in Turkiye, water in Latvia or Fire in Romania). Pupils must do it on a A4 paper with only one colour (yellow, blue or red). If you can obtain the drawings before april ans scan its or come with, we'll mix the results to do a coat of arms during the "ice breaking" day. We are also waiting for presentation about the local workshops you may have done before the meeting.


Everybody seems “okay” to take the breakfast at the High School at 7.00 (it is a gift from the French host, no fee).

Some of you have already given to me the numbers of people but not the names of the participants, other ones the names of both students and adults but they do wish to complete. Please: check the list below and send me all the missing details. TAKE CARE : IBIS room price is 72 € / a day (single or Twin) IBIS BUDGET room”s price is a little lower 62 € (single, double, or 3 pax) but only 12m2 so not very comfortable for 3 people!

ROMANIA 5 rooms (at IBIS BUDGET ?) :

1 twin or the two teachers (females) / 2 twins for the girls (4) and 2 twins for the boys (4) / 2 adults and 8 pupils

it seems only the famlily names and surnames are missing.

TURKIYE 5-or 6 rooms (at IBIS BUDGET ?) :

3 singles for 3 teachers (2 males, one female) 1 twin for 2 boys, one triple for 3 girls (or 1 twin + 1 single)

it seems you must see if 3 girls in a very tiny room it is not a problem for them / tell it if you prefer IBIS / and adjust your list if you bring more students at least.

LATVIA 4 rooms (at IBIS BUDGET ?)

1 twin for the two teachers (females) / 2 twins and 1 single for 5 pupils

it seems I do not have the list of participants

Best regards

P-L Vanderplancke, eVe+ International Coordinator 

jeudi 3 mars 2022

OPEN DOORS THE 5th of MARCH at lycée Ravel High School, two international notes written to our partners (eVE+ and E+L.o.L.)


IC8 eVe+

Energyplus QUINTESSENCE Erasmus+


Next study travels:

to France C1 from the 10th to the 16th of April (agenda was given earlier, see IC7).

to Romania C2 from the 30th of may to the 3rd of June/ or if it's a problem for some of you: from the 23rd to the 27th This mobiliy cannot be located elsewhere if the politic situation remains difficult (cause Latvia is also in eastern Europe): if we are not able to maintain C2, it means we'll have to postpone it to next school year wich would be a bad solution.

Second transnational meeting in Cluj R2: could be done in June (very late in the month).


Our pupils wil take part in the International Festival of Cartoons (FIBD in Angoulême the 18th of March). The visit can be considered as a workshop for helping eVe+ implementation. Give us informations of cultural activities you can do at home in order to make a dissemination in our common website We are waiting from you some drawings or portfolios about Nature and Energy to publish its and to valorize your local productions. We plan to show during C1 to your students how to upload some contents by themselves in the spot.


Please ask to pupils in your school to imagine and do a drawing about the theme of your country (air in Turkiye, water in Latvia or Fire in Romania). Thez must do it on a A4 paper with only one colour (yellow, blue or red). If you can obtain the drawings before april ans scan its or come with, we'll mix the results to do a coat of arms during the "ice breaking" day.

POST SCRIPTUM we can do a videoconference to make a deal about some of these points if it isnecessary.

Best regards

mercredi 2 mars 2022



Un portail commun a été ouvert ce 2 mars 2022  pour que les échanges scolaires à venir au Lycée Ravel puissent être médiatisés dans un site unique.

Notamment :

les voyages d'étude du projet E+L.O.L piloté par M Vanderplancke et Mme Augé [LAND(S) OF LEGENDS] dont on trouvera par ailleurs des comptes-rendus dans le site des participants et coordinateurs des partenariats stratégiques NOTRE BUREAU ERASMUS+ NBE+ 

et les échanges que Le Lycée Ravel espère organiser demain avec la Norvège (projet FGC  de MMes Petoin et Fabich).

A common internet portal was opened on March 2, 2022 so that future school exchanges at Lycée Ravel can be publicized and disseminated in a single site.

Especially :

the study trips of the E+L.O.L project - piloted by Mr Vanderplancke and Mrs Augé [LAND(S) OF LEGENDS], reports which can also be found on the site of the participants and coordinators of our ERASMUS+ strategic partnerships named NOTRE BUREAU ERASMUS+ NBE+

and the exchanges that the Lycée Ravel hopes to organize tomorrow with Norway (FGC project by Mrs. Petoin and Mrs Fabich).

click on the pic to find the site online

Seules les activités du projet QUINTESSENCE, retardé du fait de la Pandémie et qui s'achèvera par conséquence en 2023 seulement, restent diffusées sur un site spécifique.