jeudi 3 mars 2022

OPEN DOORS THE 5th of MARCH at lycée Ravel High School, two international notes written to our partners (eVE+ and E+L.o.L.)


IC8 eVe+

Energyplus QUINTESSENCE Erasmus+


Next study travels:

to France C1 from the 10th to the 16th of April (agenda was given earlier, see IC7).

to Romania C2 from the 30th of may to the 3rd of June/ or if it's a problem for some of you: from the 23rd to the 27th This mobiliy cannot be located elsewhere if the politic situation remains difficult (cause Latvia is also in eastern Europe): if we are not able to maintain C2, it means we'll have to postpone it to next school year wich would be a bad solution.

Second transnational meeting in Cluj R2: could be done in June (very late in the month).


Our pupils wil take part in the International Festival of Cartoons (FIBD in Angoulême the 18th of March). The visit can be considered as a workshop for helping eVe+ implementation. Give us informations of cultural activities you can do at home in order to make a dissemination in our common website We are waiting from you some drawings or portfolios about Nature and Energy to publish its and to valorize your local productions. We plan to show during C1 to your students how to upload some contents by themselves in the spot.


Please ask to pupils in your school to imagine and do a drawing about the theme of your country (air in Turkiye, water in Latvia or Fire in Romania). Thez must do it on a A4 paper with only one colour (yellow, blue or red). If you can obtain the drawings before april ans scan its or come with, we'll mix the results to do a coat of arms during the "ice breaking" day.

POST SCRIPTUM we can do a videoconference to make a deal about some of these points if it isnecessary.

Best regards

IC3 E+L.o.L.



Your contracts are now written (then we'll give you 80% of the funds the EU has promised you, as soon as your boss will have signed the contract and sent it back to us). Please print the form, ask to your headmaster for a parah f from him/fer and after that use the mail post (numeric tools are not enough we need the paper !).

Write to your French partner : Mr Proviseur Marc Cabalé / Lycée Maurice Ravel

2 avenue du Professeur Gregorio Maranon



Angela has fixed C1 in Kwidzin can be done in June from the 13th to the 17th. We may change the location (but not the date) and implement this mobilityin France if we are not allowed to go to Poland in June. Cross fingers hoping the situation will be normal enough in he Russian neighbourood in a couple of months!


We (Séverine and me) would like to make a videoconference to speak with you about some pedagogic topics (see IC2) but also to plan what we'll do with family hosting. Parhaps it is possible to have this brain storming next week ? It sems very difficult to ask to all the families to welcome foreign students at home so it could be a best solution visitors will be together in the same hotel ?

Best regards to all of you.

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