mercredi 29 novembre 2023

erasmusdays: THE SEVENTH DAY


A videoconference was set up today Wednesday November 29 in order to carry out the presentations and debates focused on maritime borders that the Ravel high school and its partners in the Be.Bo.P Erasmus+ cooperation action had planned to do in October before being prevented by unforeseen constraints.

This workshop allowed exchanges with the Ulusoy maritime high school in Çesme (Turkey) and the teaching teams from Montijo (Portugal) and Baldone (Latvia).

It completed the remote work already put in place during the #Erasmusdays from October 9 to 14, 2023. In total, six workshops, including five videoconferences, will have been organized under the leadership of the Lycée Ravel by the six secondary schools taking by the "Beyond Boundaries: people" project which is interested in borders and more generally in overcoming all barriers and will last three years during which the high school students will have to produce different results, including the production of a documentary film .

Une visioconférence a été mise en place aujourd'hui mercredi 29 novembre afin de réaliser les présentations et débats centrés sur les frontières maritimes que le lycée ravel et ses partenaires de l'action de coopération Be.Bo.P Erasmus+ avaient prevu de faire en octobre avant d'en être empêchés par des contraintes imprévues.

Cet atelier a permis des échanges avec le lycée maritime Ulusoy de Çesme (Turquie) et les équipes pédagogiques de Montijo (Portugal) et Baldone (lettonie).

Il complétait les travaux en distanciel déja mis en place pendant les #Erasmusdays du 9 au 14 octobre 2023. En tout, ce sont six ateliers, dont cinq visioconférences, qui auront été organisées sous l'impulsion du Lycée Ravel par les six  écoles secondaires prenant par au projet "Beyond Boundaries: people" qui s'interesse aux frontières et plus généralement au dépassement de toutes les barrières et  durera trois années durant lesquelles les lycé auront à produire différents résultats, dont la réalisation d'un film documentaire.

samedi 25 novembre 2023

LOL8 / the last international coordination note of the "TERRE DE LÉGENDES" project: BEFORE THE FINAL REPORT SUBMISSION

 My dear colleagues

I have to send the final report of our cooperative project before Thursday and there are still some birthday details missing in the beneficiary module (about Turkish boys on outing mobility in Cluj-Napoca and Kwidzyn).

Concerning the impacts, I would like to add to the report the results of the surveys completed by the students in order to show the learners' feelings on this point. You can read about it below. Surprisingly, English is not the only course offered to E+L.o.L students. which they think that their participation in the project can help them to be more efficient in this subject: this is also the case for History! (and in one case: Latin). I believe that this unexpected result is the result of the good work done by the teachers to introduce local heritage to the participants involved in the mobilities.

In addition to this report on the responses to the satisfaction questionnaires given to students, please look at the list of our objectives and please tell me for each of them whether, in your opinion, it was targeted or not ( or partially) through relevant activities. This is to allow me to provide more precise answers. Please specify what type of indicator allows you to respond? (for example, exam grades have increased and this is proof of effectiveness for you).

This is probably the last international note before acceptance by the National Agency is notified. Fingers crossed and hope that it will be made very soon and that we will get all the remaining funds from the promised grant.


P-L Vanderplancke /




Reminder about our intentions

I - Most relevant horizontal priorities according to the objectives of the E+ L.o.L. partnership.
HORIZONTAL: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport
II - Additional priorities according to the objectives.
HORIZONTAL: Common values, civic engagement and participation

(I think we can add the Biodiversity protection, a goal in the C3 mobility and in the 3rd pedagogic phase)


completed by students taking part in the mobilities


All the study travels were a good ooportunity according to the learners, who did enjoy these activities and most of the times gave the judgement:excellent ! to the organizers. 6% are a liitle bit less enthusiastic but it's a satisfaction none thought one of the mobilities was « bad » or even « normal ». This confirms the eminently mobilizing nature of European cooperation and, within this type of partnership, the importance of concrete meetings.

GOOD EXPERIENCE. Tous les voyages d'études ont été une bonne opportunité selon les apprenants, qui ont apprécié ces activités et ont la plupart du temps donné le jugement : excellent ! aux organisateurs. 6% sont un peu moins enthousiastes mais c'est une satisfaction qu'aucun n'ait trouvé une des mobilités « mauvaise » voire « normale ». Voilà qui confirme le caractère éminemment mobilisateur des coopération européennes et, à l'intérieur de ce type de partenariats, l'importance des rencontres concrètes.

Les porteurs de projet se sont efforcés de trouver un équilibre satisfaisant entre les ateliers faits en classe, les moments de convivialité dans l'école et hors de celle-ci, les travaux scolaires et artistiques, et il sont tâché de présenter le patrimoine local à leurs visiteurs : on doit considérer que, du point de vue des lycé concerné.e.s, interrogé.e.s après chacune des mobilités, le résultat est atteint, comme l'atteste les chiffres mentionnés dans le graphe ci-dessus.

DIVERSIFIED ACCOMODATIONS. On a expérimenté dans le cadre de ce projet des pratiques dont beaucoup de partenaires n'étaient pas familiers, ou vis à vis desquelles ils avaient des réticences : c'est notamment le cas de l'hébergement dans les familles, qui pose a priori le problème des élèves internes ou peu désireux de recevoir en réciprocité un correspondant étranger, et paraît devoir casser la dynamique de groupe entre visiteurs (souvent réunis ans le même hôtel). Tou.te.s les lycé n'ont pas été systématiquement impliqué.e.s par le dispositif, mais au total 67% du public scolaire ayant pris part aux mobilités. On a demandé à tous les élèves leur opinion sur la réussite de l'échange (du point de vue de ses bénéficiaires) mais recueilli aussi l'avis de tous les apprenants sur la conséquence induite par des hébergements différents. On s'aperçoit que près de 100% des élèves placés en famille ont trouvé la pratique « excellente » (une infime minorité l'a qualifié « seulement de « plutôt bon » système e t personne ne s'est plaint (voir le graphique ci-dessous). Par ailleurs, les apprenants n'ont pas pensé que le fait d'héberger certains dans les familles et d'autres à l'hôtel n'avait eu d'effet pervers oui discriminant, contrairement à ce qu'une partie des professeurs avait redouté.

As part of this project, we experimented with practices that many partners were unfamiliar with, or had reservations about: this is particularly the case of accommodation in families, which a priori poses the problem of internal students or those unwilling to reciprocally receive a foreign correspondent, and seems likely to break the group dynamic between visitors (often gathered in the same hotel). Not all high school students were systematically involved in the system, but in total 67% of the school population took part in the mobility. We asked all the students their opinion on the success of the exchange (from the point of view of its beneficiaries) but also collected the opinions of all the learners on the consequence induced by different proposals. We see that almost 100% of students placed with families found the practice “excellent” (a tiny minority described it as “only a “rather good” system and no one complained (see the graph below - Furthermore, the learners did not think that the fact of accommodating some in families and others in hotels had had any perverse or discriminatory effect, contrary to what some of the teachers had feared.

ENJOY IT. Les élèves, interrogés sur la qualité de leur hébergement, s'en sont tous déclarés très satisfaits ou satisfaits (le petit quart d'élèves se déclarant heureux est à peu près constant et la fait ne peut être corrélé à une qualité effectivement moindre de tel ou tel lieu d'hébergement puisque la répartition des réponses varie très peu d'une mobilité à l'autre).

The students, questioned about the quality of their accommodation, all declared themselves very satisfied or satisfied (the small quarter of students declaring themselves happy is more or less constant and the fact cannot be correlated with an actually lower quality of such or such place of accommodation since the distribution of responses varies very little from one mobility to another).

Les différentes sorties de terrain ont fait réellement consensus puisque les apprenants ont trouvé que toutes étaient effectivement en rapport avec les thématiques du projet (à 100%) mais également qu'elles étaient intéressantes. Seuls 6% des participants ne les ont pas toujours appréciées de ce point de vue, encore leur avis est-il nuancé et fondé sur des arguments parfois étranges – cuisine locale suspectée a priori, temps trop chaud ou trop froid, présence de trop d'insectes, etc. de sorte qu'il s'agit apparemment de sentiments dont l'objet même du partenariat est d'en réduire l'importance et la manifestation.

The various field trips achieved a real consensus since the learners found that all of them were indeed « relevant' – it means related to the themes of the project (100%) but also that they were interesting ? Only 6% of participants did not always appreciate them. although their opinion is nuanced and based on sometimes strange arguments – local cuisine suspected a priori, weather too hot or too cold, presence of too many insects, etc. so that it is a question apparently feelings of which the very object of the partnership is to reduce their importance and manifestation.

ICE BREAKERS. L'un des défis pour le partenaire accueillant une mobilité est d'arriver à créer une ambiance conviviale entre les apprenants des différents pays afin que leur cohabitation se passe au mieux et qu'ils en arrivent à travailler ensemble sans contrainte. Il est toujours intéressant de recueillir l'impression des élèves à ce propos, quand ils reviennent de voyage.. car c'est une impression qui peut différer sensiblement de celle des enseignants.e.s

One of the challenges for the partner hosting a mobility is to create a friendly atmosphere between learners from different countries so that their cohabitation goes as smoothly as possible and so that they can work together without constraints. It is always interesting to collect the students' impressions on this subject, when they return from a trip... because it is an impression which can differ significantly from that of the teachers.




1. Turda salt mine and subterranean games

2. Turga gorges, zip line, walk and « mici »

3. Visit in the old Cluj



1 Basque Dinner

1 Songs workshops

3 Library games and Meeting with the Dolphins


1 Cooking together

2 Pizza Party

3 City Tour Game

IMPACTS. En dehors de la prise en compte par les professeurs des effets sur les indicateurs prédéfinis dans la cadre du projet, les changements produits par le partenariat sont d''abord ressentis par les élèves ; il est donc utile de leur demander leurs impressions à ce sujet, quitte à ce que l'équipé pédagogique ne valise pas forcément tous les points mentionnés par les apprenant.e.s

Apart from teachers taking into account the effects on the indicators predefined within the framework of the project, the changes produced by the partnership are first felt by the students; it is therefore useful to ask them for their impressions on this subject, even if the teaching team does not necessarily cover all the points mentioned by the learners (« Free speech »).



1. is a good tool to increase sociability, empathy 80

2. is a good tool to increase open-mindedness, give interest to foreign cultures 80

3. is a good tool to increase the English level of participants 75

Take part in the E+L.o.L. mobilities and project was


(a way to meet new people and have new friends : 60 / the best experience of my schooling : 50)



lundi 13 novembre 2023

Be.Bo.P7 FEEDBACK RESULTS (AFTER CHECK POINT 1 and the first transnational meeting)


BeBoP7 (Be.yond.Bo.undaries: People)

14/11/2023 – Seventh INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION note BB6

A conclusive point after CP1 and feedback

Hello Dear Friends.
Hoping the best for you and your families I am now waiting you to send me first your BANK DETAILS in order to give your school asap the forms to be completed to let us dispatch the european funds given to support Be.Bo.P. After that, I must ask you to make your headmaster/headmistress sign your convention (subcontract) and give it back in order the French High School to pay you the grants you need to begin the implementation of our common projects. Second, have a look please on the topics the Cooperative exchanges C1 and C2 are presumed to be centered on (especially our hosts: Turkish then Latvian teams)

If the agenda for C1 and C2 events is not good enough, organizers may have to tell us. But local teams stay totally free to meliorate the plan and to make any change they want. Always about the subject of mobilities: you know that the evaluation report made by the Erasmus+ Agency asked us to try to increase the number of participants (pupils) in the mobilities and I wrote you the highest target could be putted to 10 people by mobility (no more to avoid to be too numerous in the meeting). Anyway, you have not an extensive budget to do that and it is not sure if is a good idea everybody use to atomatically plan to involve in each school travels 10 students (for accomodation, busing and so on it will be a mess). I think we can stay most of the time at the mimimum level taking only 5/6 pupils and having 2 teachers who shall come in order to take care of them (in conformity of the applicant form). However, in our case, it is a bit special: we wish to take more participants in the first mobilities (probably 9/10 pupils, and 3 adults in C1 but 4 in C2): our video expert is to take part in C2, then in C4 and C5, and concerning the staff: the french teacher acting as the science project's leader shall go to Cesme, as the accountant, too - and the teacher in charge of the movie making will take part in the study travel to Latvia.


We'll do a videoconference the 27th of november (wednesday) at 10:30 am (French Time) about frontiers. I think we can share earlier some slides or a video made by our students (possible topics: natural or political frontiers and seas) in order the students may ask questions each other and begin a debate. Normally two students in the french school must do something about China and the new maritime frontiers in south eastern Asia, cause it was in the academic cursus and they thought on it. Not a problem if your topic is different enough compared to our proposals: but it must be connected to seas. Latvia may join this workshop(other countries were already producers in link with other videoconferences made in october) ?


I believe we must see each mobility as an opportunity to implement a parallel workshop devoted to our Quality Control process. In this perspective C1 may be useful to talk about money among other things (so if your accountant is not present see with him/her and your boss all the questions they'd like to ask - about financement or other issues). You'll find in attachment the CP1 results after the Feedback process is achieved. In addition to the remarks included in the precited file, I must indicate you another wish expressed by the Agency which would like to see us "specify how learners with fewer opportunities will be integrated (or even migrants in the establishments where they are present)".

IV – PAYMENT: your grants are ready to be given to your school but I need first you to send me a BANK DETAILS FORM

BEST REGARDS, Pierre-Laurent V