BeBoP18 (Be.yond.Bo.undaries: People) 20/08/2024
« Beyond Bondaries : People » partnership - Quality Control
1 – Educational context
C3 cooperative activity was definitively fixed (as written after the remote seminar R2 in +IC17 note) and it will be implemented in Cluj-Napoca from the 4th to the 8th of november (5 days / plus 2 travel days you can add if necessary). French partners will come as a little squad (2 teachers and only 2 students) to avoid to waste money as costs are increasing... Learners will have first, in Cluj, to produce some interviews of migrants or foreigners, refugees, tourists.. or people acting as experts in frontiers' reality or witnesses (expats, minority members, and so on) and we hope the Romanian teachers will find selected people ready to answer to questions asked by our students. My aim is to be more efficient in the number of videos we'll manage to edit in english and to share.
The second phase is now opening : one question will be: the frontier between Science and Unknown (specially in the framework of the mobility in Transylvania) and another subject will interest us: exploration of limits and the History of Frontiers (mainly studied in Montijo) but the first transversal goal in this school year is beginning to develop « Be.Bo.P explorer » especially thanks to Maths and Science teachers. A training by Turkish team should be useful to be implemented in Cluj to show to users how they can fill the website (i.e. publishing some drawings/contents).
Concerning methodology : cross presentations made in the past in the context of Module 2 (SUR LES FRONTIÈRES) and sometimes presented during the travels were a way to begin the cooperative process during the first school year but are no more very strategic. The priority must be : make students of different schools work together (and no more separately). That is the reason why productions in the WP2 may be, from now, remotely done together (and no more separately). My plan as LegendE+ webmaster is concretely to publish as samples of C3 deliverables in november the results of the remote workshops we have made in may (but no more any output made alone by one of the partner schools).
2 – Financial aspects

Only fourty percent of the European Grants were paid to our schools but we did declare some very different levels of spends (French school used 70% of the total amount of promised funds and Portugal 44% but all the other partners spent less than the first payment they already obtained). Adding C3 must make the 40% of the total grants to be targeted by most of us...
1 – Our Periodic Report (and the « Euro Gap » situation)
It is presumed to be sent only in March, 2025 - and it's after the acceptation of our results that the National Agency eventually will pay the second part (40%) of the European Grants the commission did promise to give in order to support Be.Bo.P No way for me to write in advance the report progress (former name of this step in the Follow Up) except if a test tool is experimented. But it is not still the case even of BENEFICIARY MODULE tool is open : the managers of the French Agency have some talks with the UE technicians in Brussels but only the commission can make the test tool available or not. I did hope it should be done during the summer but actually nobody knows... National Agency seems now in doubt of any imminent solution.
According to our Financial Convention, we are supposed to wait for the second part of our money till June or July 2025 : it is up to us to make some advances or to find cofunding systems before the EU give us a remboursment.
It is theoretically the business of each school to deal with the problem but I am afraid a postponement of our activities may affect our partnerhip due to this lack of funds. Organize C4 in March in Portugal as it is in our scheduling table must be our common goal : this cooperative study travel shall not be efficient if some of the partners are not present ! But a delayment (hoping for all the schools joining the mobility implemented later) should be very difficult : three last travels will in this case stay be done in 2026, before the end of june ? A final decision must be taken during C3.
2 – Vers l'Infini...
Due to the same weakness of our financial support, we lost our expert Louis Fabriès. It means we have no more way to pay him for supporting in the future the documentary project. Perhaps he will accept to help us a little, freely... But it is not sure. I believe the work of writing and editing the film, entrusted to amateurs (in addition to the shooting) risks presenting many difficulties that have not yet been noticed until now. After C3 meeting we can implement a remote brainstorming to treat the question of the documentary scenario (after some first real debates made in Romania and perhaps the opening of an idea box as soon as we come back to school?) ; writing is to be finished in C4 according to the plan (reason why we selected two students for this job in our school who were already implicated at the beginnings of the Be.Bo.P partnership – present in C1). Each partner can identify human ressources in its area and film them to add the rushes to the final edit or contact them to introduce them to the European team as part of a localized "inbound" cooperation.
POST SCRIPTUM : my intention is to address you early in september the debrief of the remote workshops we did in May and a lead for next year is to join the SEE.SHORE eTwinning to enhance the dissemination of the part of the job we use to do online in the framework of Be.Bo.P
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