mercredi 7 septembre 2016

Activities and outputs about the project (by "Nuits Blanches" Turkish Team, 2016)

A13-E4 NOTE / a Study Travel to Cluj-Napoca for NUITS BLANCHES participants: preparation

By P-L Vanderplancke (international coordinator) and R Zetea (Colegiul Pop project driver)

The study Travel to Transilvania is supposed to be a start for rewritings. As we wish to do a common performance during the Festival,  we must try to build a common story (and perhaps, in addition, to do several other rewrites). It seems necessary to arrive in Cluj-Napoca with ideas about a possible synopsis, perhaps even with synopsis drafts.

The adoption of a synopsis on which the partners will then work in a common approach. This synopsis will be produced in order to make a Dracula myth common rewrite and to play it together (fully or partially) during the ending Festival. (C5 St-Jean-de-Luz).

In application of pedagogical scenario # 1 (note A12) each school will prepare from now one (or more) synopsis for future rewriting of the myth. Thess works will be presented (in a version translated into English) in Cluj. These drafts synopsis may be shaping during C3 to integrate elements related to the discovery in situ of myth and its contemporary implications.
Furthermore the teams produce (in the same period) a small presentation on local fears, which serve as an introduction to the study tour in Romania ...

Students will choose the common synopsis (like there was a logo contest in Rome) and the joint work on this synopsis will be organized from C3. The J-M Toto and Vivienne expertise to coordinate these literary works should help find solutions to write together, concretely? And to choose the variant which would be played in France? An update will be made at C4 (Cesme end of the school year) .... R. Zetea is currently consulting on these issues Vivienne. Nothing prevents a team to work in parallel on another synopsis that will be the subject of joint study.