samedi 12 novembre 2022

ILARGIA LEAGUE : un colloque et la cinquième assemblée générale à Cluj-Napoca


Main issue: the #EITA 2022 award given to Lycée Ravel for the ERASMUSPLUSANIMALS transnational partnership. Lectures tried to define what is a "good project". For our association, it's first a cooperative action wich provides satisfaction and/or pleasure to students but also to teachers in the same time a progress is made or some problems are overcome! For EU it means inclusive, sustainable and innovative actions in relation with european "Green Deal" and the digital transition. A very good local organization by Colegiul Economic Iulian Pop and the support of school Inspection did permit to relate some experiences after seven years and four projects carried out together (by France and Romania) since 2015. A big event with the participation of adults but also many students or former students very well qualified to disseminate some appropriated witnesses about the projects' impacts.

The certificate given to Mrs Stanca Vescan was a way to thank very officially the Headmistress for all the help the Romanian partner has given to the international coordinator during E+A (Noah) but also in the former and following partnerships. It was in the same time an opportunity to remind the efficient contribution of all the project holders (especially Ana Martins in Portugal, Hristo Milushev in Bulgaria) in ERASMUSPLUSANIMALS. People interested in the animals question must know Noah eTwinning is still alive. In the future a cooperative project about responsability is planned by Transilvanian and Basque teams, with protection of biodiversity and animal life as one of the a main issues.

The 5th General Assembly was implemented
at the Colegiul "iulian Pop"
thanks to Mrs Prof. Zetea Ramona Adela and
Mrs prof. Giurgiuman Moni
Click on the pic to access to the report in the ILARGIA blogspot:

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