mercredi 13 décembre 2023

INTERNATIONAL NOTE BB8 - BEYOND BOUNDARIES:PEOPLE about financial topics (conventions are ready) and the agenda of the next LLTA (C1 then C2)


BeBoP8 (Be.yond.Bo.undaries: People)

13/12/2023 – Seventh INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION note BB8

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Hello Dear Friends.

STUDY TRAVELS. Concerning the C1 and C2 cooperative mobilities scheduled in Çesme then in Riga/Baldone (both are called "LLTA" in the language of the EU) I would like to give you in this note some ideas as to the nature of the work that you could request for your students to prepare before these study trips. (so that they can present some of their results to other delegations). It is also a way to help hosts plan some local workshops that they can set up to respect the distribution of responsibilities and tasks in our Gantt chart. Please consult the information provided below on this subject. / NOTE ALSO: NOTE: we will take 10 or 11 students from France for each of these two activities intended to get the project off the ground but each partner is supposed to take only 4 to 5 students according to the application form, accompanied by 1 or 2 teachers - you can increase (or not) this theoretical gauge, as we did, but you must consider that this extreme increase in the number of learners from Saint-Jean de Luz is linked to the status of coordinator of the Lycée Ravel where he will probably be able to be financed by transfers from management funds (a solution that you cannot apply in your schools); other information: our accountant will not be present in Çesme (in fact, he is supposed to leave our school permanently within a few weeks).

OTHER QUESTIONS / 1. I remind you first it is very necessary (and useful) if each of you fill the special grid of relevance awhen he is holding a local workshop. The goal is to make easier our process of Quality Control and especially the switch between the first and the second pedagogic phases (40% of our funds given each time, but an interim report to write). 2. Concerning this switch phase : our aim must to be able to declare we spent 70% of the first part of funds (100 000 € we are now processing to share) as soon as next summer, in order me to complete the interim report in june (and obtain in consequence the second payment at the time we'll go back to school, in september, 2024). I believe we must absolutely avoid to wait more. If the deadline for spending 70 000€ was fixed further than june, 2024 we shall be obliged to postpone the mobilities C4 and C5 - normally to be implemented between january and june 2024. Not a good thing I believe.

YOUR SUBCONTRACTS: find in attachment the special conventions between your school (partner) and Lycée Ravel (main beneficiary). You have to check first all the datas (especially bank account details) then ask for your boss to sign it. Please give me back by mail the form after your headmaster/headmistress sign it (the paper can be concretely given in a few months, during one of the meetings). You will be paid after the convention come back (probably in january since the Portuguese team insisted not to be paid before Xmas for some administrative reasons but it may be earlier for the other partners, if you are quick enough!).


You can check the schedule online (address in BB7 note) and use the progression already giben in the BB6 note (on next page).


Each mobility (and local support workshps implemented around) must increase in intensity from the beginning to the end, like in this planning grid (indicative planning)


Petite Planète


Dans tout le Royaume


Vers l'infini et au delà


Sur les Frontières


Local dances and improvization

Training sessions

Brainstorming to fix the issues

Borders in History

European frontiers


Local dances


a little common production

First transnational productions of short movies

Dispatching of the tasks

Borders and conflicts

Frontiers inside Europe

RO ?

Common dances

Second transnational productions of short movies



Frontiers inside societies

and countries


Common dances and with external people

Documentary writing


Maths and Physics

Migrations from Europe

IT ?

Ballet preparation

Documentary filming

Design (Making of the graphic chart..)

Migrations to Europe


Ballet execution

Postproduction and presentation


Inclusion of results in the documentary

For C1

Two French girls are specially in charge of the coordination of our team to present a Basque dance. At a moment, a wokshop may be implemented in order each country to show a sample of a traditional dance ; in my opinion it is better to do that not too early in the meeting, to let time for training.

Two other students will have to present the History of spanish migrants in southern France, Other topics as limits of the ancient cities and fundation rituals, or frontiers beween citizens and pilgrins must be prepared. Results can be shown in one or two classrooms inclusions with slides presentations?

Some indications about documentary movies technics and footages can be given also by students afer they had a training at school (learning sessions and transnational expriences are supposed to be done during C2 with our expert): to help leaners to report the mobility and cultural school trips ?

For C2

Two pupils are thinking about a choregrahy workshop to be implemented with the goal to dance together on the project's hymn.

Some students are in charge of a presentation centered on migration problems nowadays, on our french spanish fontier. And perhaps on the topography of the Pyrenenan borders. A team is studying the mytic frontier between Known and Unknow in the ancient times (strange are strnagers). Results can be shown in one or two classrooms inclusions with slides presentations?

All the pupils normally have something to prepare / a way to feed the meetings and to produce some outputs in order to disseminate ; a little brainstormings between project holders can be useful each time (Follow Up)


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