BeBoP20 (Be.yond.Bo.undaries: People) 24/10/2024
« Beyond Bondaries : People » partnership - Quality Control
page 1 & 2: Letter page 3: C3 planning and Be.Bo.P project agenda |
C3 from the 4th to the 9th of November in Cluj-Napoca
LETTER to project holders
IC note BB19 has presented you the goals and activities we had planned to do during this mobility at the moment we applied (C3 LTTA was presumed to be centered on a boost given to Scientific aspects of our partnership and on the symbolic switch between the first phase dedicated to (political) borders, from september 2023 to june 2024, and the second phase more widely open to all sort of frontiers and limits and mainly centered on the first steps of the making of our documentary film – some leads for fixing the topic of this film have to be choosen in Cluj then the movie writing is to be produced later (in some workshops implemented in Montijo).
Please find the first sketch of the C3 schedule, made by the team of the Colegiul economic « Iulian Pop » : on page 3
ILARGIA League : a symposium and the General Assembly
Some of you are perhaps not (still) members of our NGO but everybody may join us (5€ per year / you can pay in Cluj or remotely, from our blog and using the following link:
Anyway I pray you to take part in a debate centered on the new expectations for the European projects: the symposium CLUJ SCHOLAR 2024 will be entittled « What is a bad application and what is a mediocre project? » as an (ironic) echo of a former meeting focused on "What is a good project?" and called « CLUJ-NAPOCA Genius 2022 ».
The 7th GA will be an opportunity for implementing a short videoconference with members staying in France and with other countries in order to process to the (re)election of administrators of the ILARGIA League.
online symposium from 6.00 pm (French time) / it means 7.00 pm (Local time) then GA from 7.00 pm (French time) or 8.00 pm (Local time) / hybrid event :
meeting held at the Colegiul economic «Iulian Pop» (8 pm Romanian hour) - access to the virtual lecture room clicking this link:
Back to funds management and reporting
Contrary to what the Agency had first suggested, the possibility of sending the interim report this summer was not offered
to us.
We hoped to anticipate the procedure in order to receive the second tranche of our grants as quickly
as possible (each partner received 40% of the funds promised to them and will still receive 20%
at the end of the project; but in the meantime, it is theoretically possible to request payment
of the second part of 40% once a “PERIODIC REPORT” has been drawn up, transmitted and validated).
BUT : If the pool of partners has not, overall, spent at least 70% of the total European grants allocated
to the partnership at the time of submission of the report, the payment will be reduced, for all schools
by the difference between the targeted rate (70%) and the level actually achieved. In this context
it did not seem to me to be a good policy to report on our activities and our expenses JUST NOW
as these datas were stopped in June, when participation in the mobility to Romania will
mechanically increase the costs incurred: it is likely that we will reach the objective of 70% in November
or that we approach it sufficiently so as not to suffer an overly penalizing reduction in the second
tranche if we request payment downstream from the LTTA C3. page 4 /11
According to the table reproduced (here on the first page) and appearing in one of the documents annexed to the financial
agreement, the money will be paid to us quickly: two months after receipt of the report; so end of January 2025 at the latest
if we ourselves meet our deadlines. And if the processing time announced by the ERASMUS+ Agency is
scrupulously respected by it (we were anxious about this point after the French National
Erasmus+ Agency had wait for a very long time before to pay us the remaining 20% of grants the
last time we finished a KA2). Cross fingers wishing we can be confident - as I presume we can -
in the promises made y the Agency.
Please note the point is not for each of us to reach the 70% level of expenditurs compare to
all the grants we claimed but it is necessary for the Be.Bo.P schools pool to be as close as
possible of the targeted goal (to have engaged together 70% of the first tranche) in order to
make the reduction of the second tranche very small or even inexistant.
Thanks to the implementation of the C3 mobility, I believe it's becoming possible to reach the
70% level adding all the budget engagements made by all the partners from the beginnings to
November 2024.
We may eventually anticipate the sums we want to devote to C4 and count its in order to have a
good outlook on the future management.
We'll do a plenar commitee dedicated to the situation in Cluj-Napoca in the framework of brains
tormings to be done (as it is planned in our application) for the 4th Check Point of our follow
-up program.
Your Principle will be asked to send us a letter to certify the accuracy of your report concerning the real and total amount of your expenses within the framework of Be.Bo.P similar to that requested during the previous regularcheckpoint (CP3 : amounts before and after C2 implementation).
To save time, you can come to Romania with the pre-established document, at least if the budget for your travels is settled by a flat-rate system set up locally by your accountant-manager, and your headmaster can validateit as is. Failing that, we will ask you to send back the information concerning your consumption of European subsidies as soon as possible after your return from Cluj-Napoca and to have them certified very quickly by the legal guardian. If this data is communicated to us in mid-November it can be attached to the report and this can be sent to the agency before the end of the month. From that moment on, you will know
he amount of the additional subsidy that you are entitled to expect (within a theoretical period of 75 days / if I add two weeks between the reception by the French high school and the distribution between all the beneficiaries - in this regard, and even if this information has already been given, please give me a bank identity statement to confirm the account into which the second instalment must be paid).
Other documents could be sent to you for completion if it turns out that the Agency requires standardized tools of Quality Control with regard to the presentation of our expenses. This is no longer the case, a priori, for partnerships falling under key action 2, unlike the mobility projects of key action 1, but I will nevertheless check whether a formalization is not imposed on us implicitly.
>Simulation in the case we reach 70% of the total grants before the end of phase 2:
reach the targeted objective and make the teams to be able to obtain from the EU the secondinstalment of our grants. page 5/11
- About the other meetings to be implemented for teachers and not students : First, “users workshop” for project holdersto learn how to connect themselves to the Be.Bo.P explorer website. Second “feeders workshop” for teachers to plan the sort of the contents they will share in the Be.Bo.P website. And a strategic commitee for planning the following mobilities (especially C4) and organizing the tasks inorder to produc ethe intellectual outputs of the partnership.
- The Colegiul economic “Iulian Pop” will give you in a few time the complete C3 schedule but it is already known that the Romanian partner will invite on Monday a guest star: the “Octavian Stroia“ High School of Choregraphy and Drama ; Tuesday
will be centered on History (Dacian and Roman heritages) as Wednesday to old borders (between Hungarian, Austrian and Turkish empires, thanks to a journey to Alba Iulia and area). In the framework of the meeting some transnational video interviews will be made and some students coming from the Republic of Moldavia will express their feelings about frontiers.
On Thursday, the adults will be involved in a symposium then in the General Assembly of the ILARGIA League.
- C3 DEADLINE. Slides or films focused on migrants, refugees, wars and political frontiers were produced in each school to
be shared and published in the framework of C1 and C2 mobilities (SUR LES FRONTIÈRES). From C3 issue is very different and partners can present some video interviews about the people who are actors or specialists in frontiers crossing shooted at home or co-workings produced by two or several schools taking part in Be.Bo.P (remotely or not). A little workshop may be implemented in Cluj-Napoca to give some comments on these outputs to other partners' representatives... but it must be a
short activity and the dissemination is supposed to be acrhived on line using the LegendE+ website. Find the products on clicking Be.Bo.P tab then DELIVERABLES. Some of these works will be putted online in a couple of days, before the mobility... other ones later or after the public presentation done in Romania.
Another thing must normally be determined in the framework of C3 : what topics will be in the film ? A pitch or some ideas may define the first steps of this production. The report we thought to do after C3 on limits between « the known and the unknown, the frontiers of knowledge » may be postponed after C4 since the begininngs of Science workshops was a little delayed from the first school year to the second one.
- C4 PLANNING. The moment (it is supposed to be in march) must be confirmed or changed but must
definitively have been fixed before we leave Transilvania. As we'll be in Portugal for C4, the
exploration of World (our Blue Planet) and the limits of universe will probably be the two main
axis of this meeting where it is possible also to talk on outing migrations of Europeans and the
reverse currents existing nowadays. It could be interesting to implement transnational workshops
for learners to produce some artistic results and/or History and Physics contents to feed and
to illustrate the Be.Bo.P explorer site. But the most important is to make the participants
write the documentary film in order to implement the shootage in Italy.
- C5 CHECK LIST. Roma will be the place to film some scenes we need according to the scenario created in C4 and to plan the montage of rushes and having an outlook of the expected results in the Work Package n°4.
At the same time, we'll see the sketch of both Mathematics and Physics sections in Be.Bo.P explorer (WP n°3) and see how to finish the edition of this website. C5 is planned in november and we can try to fix the dates if all schools have information about the academic progress to be followed on next year.
- C6 FINAL. All the results must be disseminated and the mobility be seen like a multiplier event. It means all the productions putted online (in the contexts of SUR LES FRONTIÈRES in LegendE+ and DANS TOUT LE ROYAUME in Be.Bo.P explorer)
will be valorized (WP2/WP3). A choregraphy may be done as the conclusive step...
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